Get change notifications for Microsoft Teams call records

Change notifications in Microsoft Graph enable subscriptions to call records, providing a continuous stream of call record updates as they're created or modified. Call records offer valuable usage and diagnostic insights into your organization's calls and online meetings when using Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business. This data can be harnessed for custom reporting, facilitating the monitoring of adoption and the troubleshooting of call quality issues.


Permission type Permissions (from least to most privileged) Supported versions
Delegated (work or school account) Not supported. Not supported.
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application CallRecords.Read.All v1.0


Example 1: Subscription request

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "updated",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "/communications/callRecords",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-02-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "{Secret client state}"

Change notifications for call records support both create and update notification types. A subscription for create changes only sends a single notification when a call record is first seen on a particular subscription. A call record is created after a call or meeting ends and remains accessible for 30 days.

A subscription for update changes includes an initial notification when the record is first seen on a particular subscription and any subsequent notifications as that record is modified. Because specific call record attributes depend on client-side signals, which can be subject to delays or interruptions due to network issues, a call record might undergo updates with new or revised information after its initial creation. These changes trigger an update notification, and the record's version field is incremented to indicate the modification.

The latency of change notifications and the maximum subscription expiration period are defined in the change notifications overview.

Example 2: Subscription request filtered by participant Microsoft Entra Object ID

Content-Type: application/json

  "changeType": "updated",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "lifecycleNotificationUrl": "",
  "resource": "/communications/callRecords?$filter=participants/any(p:p/id eq '{Entra object id}')",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-02-28T00:00:00.0000000Z",
  "clientState": "{Secret client state}"

You can optionally filter change notifications for call records using a participant's Microsoft Entra Object ID. Change notifications filtered by Object ID are sent when a call participant's Microsoft Entra Object ID is included in the filter parameter.

This filter supports eq, or, and in operators for the id attribute of the participants collection in a callRecord resource. For more details on using $filter, see Use the $filter query parameter.

Example 3: Subscription notification

        "subscriptionId":"{Subscription id}",
        "clientState":"{Secret client state}",
        "resource":"communications/callRecords/{Call id}",
            "":"communications/callRecords/{Call id}",
            "id":"{Call id}"
        "tenantId":"{Organization/Tenant id}"