answerVariant resource type


Represents an answer variant that can be used to change certain properties of a search answer based on country/region or platform.


Property Type Description
description String The answer variation description that is shown on the search results page.
displayName String The answer variation name that is displayed in search results.
languageTag String The country or region that can view this answer variation.
platform microsoft.graph.devicePlatformType The device or operating system that can view this answer variation. Possible values are: android, androidForWork, ios, macOS, windowsPhone81, windowsPhone81AndLater, windows10AndLater, androidWorkProfile, unknown, androidASOP, androidMobileApplicationManagement, iOSMobileApplicationManagement, unknownFutureValue.
webUrl String The URL link for the answer variation. When users select this answer variation from the search results, they're directed to the specified URL.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "languageTag": "String",
  "platform": "String",
  "webUrl": "String"