relyingPartyDetailedSummary resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Represents the summary of AD FS relying parties' information on daily, weekly, or monthly frequency.
Inherits from entity.
Method | Return type | Description |
Get relying party detailed summary | relyingPartyDetailedSummary collection | Get a summary of AD FS relying parties information. |
Property | Type | Description |
failedSignInCount | Int64 | Number of failed sign ins on AD FS in the period specified. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
id | String | Unique identifier for the report. Inherited from entity. |
migrationStatus | migrationStatus | Indicates whether the app can be easily moved to Entra ID. The possible values are: ready , needsReview , additionalStepsRequired , unknownFutureValue .Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
migrationValidationDetails | keyValuePair collection | Specifies all the validations checks done on applications config details. |
relyingPartyId | String | Identifies the relying party to this federation service. It's used when issuing claims to the relying party. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
relyingPartyName | String | Name of the relying party's website or other entity on the Internet that uses an identity provider to authenticate a user who wants to log in. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
replyUrls | String collection | Specifies where the relying party expects to receive the token. |
serviceId | String | Uniquely identifies the Active Directory forest. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
signInSuccessRate | Double | Calculated as Number of successful / (Number of successful + Number of failed sign ins) or successfulSignInCount / totalSignInCount on AD FS in the period specified.Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
successfulSignInCount | Int64 | Number of successful sign ins on AD FS. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
totalSignInCount | Int64 | Number of successful + failed sign ins on AD FS in the period specified. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
uniqueUserCount | Int64 | Number of unique users that signed into the application. Supports $orderby , $filter (eq ). |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.relyingPartyDetailedSummary",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"relyingPartyId": "String",
"serviceId": "String",
"relyingPartyName": "String",
"successfulSignInCount": "Integer",
"failedSignInCount": "Integer",
"totalSignInCount": "Integer",
"signInSuccessRate": "Double",
"uniqueUserCount": "Integer",
"migrationStatus": "String",
"migrationValidationDetails": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.keyValuePair"
"replyUrls": [