office365GroupsActivityCounts resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


Property Type Description
reportRefreshDate Date The latest date of the content.
exchangeEmailsReceived Int64 The number of emails received by Group mailboxes.
yammerMessagesPosted Int64 The number of messages posted to Yammer groups.
yammerMessagesRead Int64 The number of messages read in Yammer groups.
yammerMessagesLiked Int64 The number of messages liked in Yammer groups.
teamsChannelMessages Int64 The number of channel messages in Teams team.
teamsMeetingsOrganized Int64 The number of meetings organized in Teams team.
reportDate Date The date on which a number of emails were sent to a group mailbox or a number of messages were posted, read, or liked in a Yammer group
reportPeriod String The number of days the report covers.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "reportRefreshDate": "Date", 
  "exchangeEmailsReceived": 1024, 
  "yammerMessagesPosted": 1024, 
  "yammerMessagesRead": 1024, 
  "yammerMessagesLiked": 1024, 
  "teamsChannelMessages": 1024, 
  "teamsMeetingsOrganized": 1024, 
  "reportDate": "Date", 
  "reportPeriod": "String"