intuneBrandingProfile resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

This entity contains data which is used in customizing the tenant level appearance of the Company Portal applications as well as the end user web portal.


Method Return Type Description
List intuneBrandingProfiles intuneBrandingProfile collection List properties and relationships of the intuneBrandingProfile objects.
Get intuneBrandingProfile intuneBrandingProfile Read properties and relationships of the intuneBrandingProfile object.
Create intuneBrandingProfile intuneBrandingProfile Create a new intuneBrandingProfile object.
Delete intuneBrandingProfile None Deletes a intuneBrandingProfile.
Update intuneBrandingProfile intuneBrandingProfile Update the properties of a intuneBrandingProfile object.
assign action None


Property Type Description
id String Profile Key
profileName String Name of the profile
profileDescription String Description of the profile
isDefaultProfile Boolean Boolean that represents whether the profile is used as default or not
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset Time when the BrandingProfile was created
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset Time when the BrandingProfile was last modified
displayName String Company/organization name that is displayed to end users
themeColor rgbColor Primary theme color used in the Company Portal applications and web portal
showLogo Boolean Boolean that represents whether the administrator-supplied logo images are shown or not
showDisplayNameNextToLogo Boolean Boolean that represents whether the administrator-supplied display name will be shown next to the logo image or not
themeColorLogo mimeContent Logo image displayed in Company Portal apps which have a theme color background behind the logo
lightBackgroundLogo mimeContent Logo image displayed in Company Portal apps which have a light background behind the logo
landingPageCustomizedImage mimeContent Customized image displayed in Company Portal apps landing page
contactITName String Name of the person/organization responsible for IT support
contactITPhoneNumber String Phone number of the person/organization responsible for IT support
contactITEmailAddress String E-mail address of the person/organization responsible for IT support
contactITNotes String Text comments regarding the person/organization responsible for IT support
onlineSupportSiteUrl String URL to the company/organization’s IT helpdesk site
onlineSupportSiteName String Display name of the company/organization’s IT helpdesk site
privacyUrl String URL to the company/organization’s privacy policy
customPrivacyMessage String Text comments regarding what the admin doesn't have access to on the device
customCanSeePrivacyMessage String Text comments regarding what the admin has access to on the device
customCantSeePrivacyMessage String Text comments regarding what the admin doesn't have access to on the device
isRemoveDeviceDisabled Boolean Boolean that represents whether the adminsistrator has disabled the 'Remove Device' action on corporate owned devices.
isFactoryResetDisabled Boolean Boolean that represents whether the adminsistrator has disabled the 'Factory Reset' action on corporate owned devices.
companyPortalBlockedActions companyPortalBlockedAction collection Collection of blocked actions on the company portal as per platform and device ownership types.
disableDeviceCategorySelection Boolean Boolean that indicates if Device Category Selection will be shown in Company Portal
showAzureADEnterpriseApps Boolean Boolean that indicates if AzureAD Enterprise Apps will be shown in Company Portal
showOfficeWebApps Boolean Boolean that indicates if Office WebApps will be shown in Company Portal
showConfigurationManagerApps Boolean Boolean that indicates if Configuration Manager Apps will be shown in Company Portal
sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification Boolean Boolean that indicates if a push notification is sent to users when their device ownership type changes from personal to corporate
enrollmentAvailability enrollmentAvailabilityOptions Customized device enrollment flow displayed to the end user . Possible values are: availableWithPrompts, availableWithoutPrompts, unavailable.
disableClientTelemetry Boolean Applies to telemetry sent from all clients to the Intune service. When disabled, all proactive troubleshooting and issue warnings within the client are turned off, and telemetry settings appear inactive or hidden to the device user.
roleScopeTagIds String collection List of scope tags assigned to the branding profile


Relationship Type Description
assignments intuneBrandingProfileAssignment collection The list of group assignments for the branding profile

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.intuneBrandingProfile",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "profileName": "String",
  "profileDescription": "String",
  "isDefaultProfile": true,
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "displayName": "String",
  "themeColor": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.rgbColor",
    "r": 1024,
    "g": 1024,
    "b": 1024
  "showLogo": true,
  "showDisplayNameNextToLogo": true,
  "themeColorLogo": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mimeContent",
    "type": "String",
    "value": "binary"
  "lightBackgroundLogo": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mimeContent",
    "type": "String",
    "value": "binary"
  "landingPageCustomizedImage": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mimeContent",
    "type": "String",
    "value": "binary"
  "contactITName": "String",
  "contactITPhoneNumber": "String",
  "contactITEmailAddress": "String",
  "contactITNotes": "String",
  "onlineSupportSiteUrl": "String",
  "onlineSupportSiteName": "String",
  "privacyUrl": "String",
  "customPrivacyMessage": "String",
  "customCanSeePrivacyMessage": "String",
  "customCantSeePrivacyMessage": "String",
  "isRemoveDeviceDisabled": true,
  "isFactoryResetDisabled": true,
  "companyPortalBlockedActions": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.companyPortalBlockedAction",
      "platform": "String",
      "ownerType": "String",
      "action": "String"
  "disableDeviceCategorySelection": true,
  "showAzureADEnterpriseApps": true,
  "showOfficeWebApps": true,
  "showConfigurationManagerApps": true,
  "sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification": true,
  "enrollmentAvailability": "String",
  "disableClientTelemetry": true,
  "roleScopeTagIds": [