groupPolicyMigrationReport resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The Group Policy migration report.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List groupPolicyMigrationReports | groupPolicyMigrationReport collection | List properties and relationships of the groupPolicyMigrationReport objects. |
Get groupPolicyMigrationReport | groupPolicyMigrationReport | Read properties and relationships of the groupPolicyMigrationReport object. |
Create groupPolicyMigrationReport | groupPolicyMigrationReport | Create a new groupPolicyMigrationReport object. |
Delete groupPolicyMigrationReport | None | Deletes a groupPolicyMigrationReport. |
Update groupPolicyMigrationReport | groupPolicyMigrationReport | Update the properties of a groupPolicyMigrationReport object. |
createMigrationReport action | String | |
updateScopeTags action | String |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | |
groupPolicyObjectId | Guid | The Group Policy Object GUID from GPO Xml content |
displayName | String | The name of Group Policy Object from the GPO Xml Content |
ouDistinguishedName | String | The distinguished name of the OU. |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was created. |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was last modified. |
groupPolicyCreatedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was created. |
groupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was last modified. |
migrationReadiness | groupPolicyMigrationReadiness | The Intune coverage for the associated Group Policy Object file. Possible values are: none , partial , complete , error , notApplicable . |
targetedInActiveDirectory | Boolean | The Targeted in AD property from GPO Xml Content |
totalSettingsCount | Int32 | The total number of Group Policy Settings from GPO file. |
supportedSettingsCount | Int32 | The number of Group Policy Settings supported by Intune. |
supportedSettingsPercent | Int32 | The Percentage of Group Policy Settings supported by Intune. |
roleScopeTagIds | String collection | The list of scope tags for the configuration. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
groupPolicySettingMappings | groupPolicySettingMapping collection | A list of group policy settings to MDM/Intune mappings. |
unsupportedGroupPolicyExtensions | unsupportedGroupPolicyExtension collection | A list of unsupported group policy extensions inside the Group Policy Object. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.groupPolicyMigrationReport",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"groupPolicyObjectId": "Guid",
"displayName": "String",
"ouDistinguishedName": "String",
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"groupPolicyCreatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"groupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"migrationReadiness": "String",
"targetedInActiveDirectory": true,
"totalSettingsCount": 1024,
"supportedSettingsCount": 1024,
"supportedSettingsPercent": 1024,
"roleScopeTagIds": [