windowsMalwareCategory enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Malware category id


Member Value Description
invalid 0 Invalid
adware 1 Adware
spyware 2 Spyware
passwordStealer 3 Password stealer
trojanDownloader 4 Trojan downloader
worm 5 Worm
backdoor 6 Backdoor
remoteAccessTrojan 7 Remote access Trojan
trojan 8 Trojan
emailFlooder 9 Email flooder
keylogger 10 Keylogger
dialer 11 Dialer
monitoringSoftware 12 Monitoring software
browserModifier 13 Browser modifier
cookie 14 Cookie
browserPlugin 15 Browser plugin
aolExploit 16 AOL exploit
nuker 17 Nuker
securityDisabler 18 Security disabler
jokeProgram 19 Joke program
hostileActiveXControl 20 Hostile ActiveX control
softwareBundler 21 Software bundler
stealthNotifier 22 Stealth modifier
settingsModifier 23 Settings modifier
toolBar 24 Toolbar
remoteControlSoftware 25 Remote control software
trojanFtp 26 Trojan FTP
potentialUnwantedSoftware 27 Potential unwanted software
icqExploit 28 ICQ exploit
trojanTelnet 29 Trojan telnet
exploit 30 Exploit
filesharingProgram 31 File sharing program
malwareCreationTool 32 Malware creation tool
remote_Control_Software 33 Remote control software
tool 34 Tool
trojanDenialOfService 36 Trojan denial of service
trojanDropper 37 Trojan dropper
trojanMassMailer 38 Trojan mass mailer
trojanMonitoringSoftware 39 Trojan monitoring software
trojanProxyServer 40 Trojan proxy server
virus 42 Virus
known 43 Known
unknown 44 Unknown
spp 45 SPP
behavior 46 Behavior
vulnerability 47 Vulnerability
policy 48 Policy
enterpriseUnwantedSoftware 49 Enterprise Unwanted Software
ransom 50 Ransom
hipsRule 51 HIPS Rule