managedDeviceOverview resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Summary data for managed devices


Method Return Type Description
Get managedDeviceOverview managedDeviceOverview Read properties and relationships of the managedDeviceOverview object.
Update managedDeviceOverview managedDeviceOverview Update the properties of a managedDeviceOverview object.


Property Type Description
id String Unique Identifier for the summary
enrolledDeviceCount Int32 Total enrolled device count. Does not include PC devices managed via Intune PC Agent
mdmEnrolledCount Int32 The number of devices enrolled in MDM
dualEnrolledDeviceCount Int32 The number of devices enrolled in both MDM and EAS
deviceOperatingSystemSummary deviceOperatingSystemSummary Device operating system summary.
deviceExchangeAccessStateSummary deviceExchangeAccessStateSummary Distribution of Exchange Access State in Intune



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.managedDeviceOverview",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "enrolledDeviceCount": 1024,
  "mdmEnrolledCount": 1024,
  "dualEnrolledDeviceCount": 1024,
  "deviceOperatingSystemSummary": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceOperatingSystemSummary",
    "androidCount": 1024,
    "iosCount": 1024,
    "macOSCount": 1024,
    "windowsMobileCount": 1024,
    "windowsCount": 1024,
    "unknownCount": 1024,
    "androidDedicatedCount": 1024,
    "androidDeviceAdminCount": 1024,
    "androidFullyManagedCount": 1024,
    "androidWorkProfileCount": 1024,
    "androidCorporateWorkProfileCount": 1024,
    "configMgrDeviceCount": 1024
  "deviceExchangeAccessStateSummary": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceExchangeAccessStateSummary",
    "allowedDeviceCount": 1024,
    "blockedDeviceCount": 1024,
    "quarantinedDeviceCount": 1024,
    "unknownDeviceCount": 1024,
    "unavailableDeviceCount": 1024