deviceLicensingStatus enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Indicates the device licensing status after Windows device based subscription has been enabled.


Member Value Description
licenseRefreshStarted 0 This status is set when the license refresh is started.
licenseRefreshPending 1 This status is set when the license refresh is pending.
deviceIsNotAzureActiveDirectoryJoined 2 This status is set when the device is not joined to Azure Active Directory.
verifyingMicrosoftDeviceIdentity 3 This status is set when the Microsoft device identity is being verified.
deviceIdentityVerificationFailed 4 This status is set when the Microsoft device identity verification fails.
verifyingMicrosoftAccountIdentity 5 This status is set when the Microsoft account identity is being verified.
microsoftAccountVerificationFailed 6 This status is set when the Microsoft account identity verification fails.
acquiringDeviceLicense 7 This status is set when the device license is being acquired.
refreshingDeviceLicense 8 This status is set when the device license is being refreshed.
deviceLicenseRefreshSucceed 9 This status is set when the device license refresh succeeds.
deviceLicenseRefreshFailed 10 This status is set when the device license refresh fails.
removingDeviceLicense 11 This status is set when the device license is being removed.
deviceLicenseRemoveSucceed 12 This status is set when the device license removing succeeds.
deviceLicenseRemoveFailed 13 This status is set when the device license removing fails.
unknownFutureValue 14 This is put here as a place holder for future extension.
unknown -1 Default. Set to unknown when status cannot be determined.