deviceHealthScript resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Intune will provide customer the ability to run their Powershell Health scripts (remediation + detection) on the enrolled windows 10 Azure Active Directory joined devices.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique Identifier for the device health script |
publisher | String | Name of the device health script publisher |
version | String | Version of the device health script |
displayName | String | Name of the device health script |
description | String | Description of the device health script |
detectionScriptContent | Binary | The entire content of the detection powershell script |
remediationScriptContent | Binary | The entire content of the remediation powershell script |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The timestamp of when the device health script was created. This property is read-only. |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The timestamp of when the device health script was modified. This property is read-only. |
runAsAccount | runAsAccountType | Indicates the type of execution context. Possible values are: system , user . |
enforceSignatureCheck | Boolean | Indicate whether the script signature needs be checked |
runAs32Bit | Boolean | Indicate whether PowerShell script(s) should run as 32-bit |
roleScopeTagIds | String collection | List of Scope Tag IDs for the device health script |
isGlobalScript | Boolean | Determines if this is Microsoft Proprietary Script. Proprietary scripts are read-only |
highestAvailableVersion | String | Highest available version for a Microsoft Proprietary script |
deviceHealthScriptType | deviceHealthScriptType | DeviceHealthScriptType for the script policy. Possible values are: deviceHealthScript , managedInstallerScript . |
detectionScriptParameters | deviceHealthScriptParameter collection | List of ComplexType DetectionScriptParameters objects. |
remediationScriptParameters | deviceHealthScriptParameter collection | List of ComplexType RemediationScriptParameters objects. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
assignments | deviceHealthScriptAssignment collection | The list of group assignments for the device health script |
runSummary | deviceHealthScriptRunSummary | High level run summary for device health script. |
deviceRunStates | deviceHealthScriptDeviceState collection | List of run states for the device health script across all devices |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceHealthScript",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"publisher": "String",
"version": "String",
"displayName": "String",
"description": "String",
"detectionScriptContent": "binary",
"remediationScriptContent": "binary",
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"runAsAccount": "String",
"enforceSignatureCheck": true,
"runAs32Bit": true,
"roleScopeTagIds": [
"isGlobalScript": true,
"highestAvailableVersion": "String",
"deviceHealthScriptType": "String",
"detectionScriptParameters": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceHealthScriptStringParameter",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"isRequired": true,
"applyDefaultValueWhenNotAssigned": true,
"defaultValue": "String"
"remediationScriptParameters": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceHealthScriptStringParameter",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"isRequired": true,
"applyDefaultValueWhenNotAssigned": true,
"defaultValue": "String"