comanagementEligibleDevice resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Device Co-Management eligibility state
Method | Return Type | Description |
List comanagementEligibleDevices | comanagementEligibleDevice collection | List properties and relationships of the comanagementEligibleDevice objects. |
Get comanagementEligibleDevice | comanagementEligibleDevice | Read properties and relationships of the comanagementEligibleDevice object. |
Create comanagementEligibleDevice | comanagementEligibleDevice | Create a new comanagementEligibleDevice object. |
Delete comanagementEligibleDevice | None | Deletes a comanagementEligibleDevice. |
Update comanagementEligibleDevice | comanagementEligibleDevice | Update the properties of a comanagementEligibleDevice object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique Id for the device |
deviceName | String | DeviceName |
deviceType | deviceType | DeviceType. Possible values are: desktop , windowsRT , winMO6 , nokia , windowsPhone , mac , winCE , winEmbedded , iPhone , iPad , iPod , android , iSocConsumer , unix , macMDM , holoLens , surfaceHub , androidForWork , androidEnterprise , windows10x , androidnGMS , chromeOS , linux , visionOS , tvos , blackberry , palm , unknown , cloudPC . |
clientRegistrationStatus | deviceRegistrationState | ClientRegistrationStatus. Possible values are: notRegistered , registered , revoked , keyConflict , approvalPending , certificateReset , notRegisteredPendingEnrollment , unknown . |
ownerType | ownerType | OwnerType. Possible values are: unknown , company , personal . |
managementAgents | managementAgentType | ManagementAgents. Possible values are: eas , mdm , easMdm , intuneClient , easIntuneClient , configurationManagerClient , configurationManagerClientMdm , configurationManagerClientMdmEas , unknown , jamf , googleCloudDevicePolicyController , microsoft365ManagedMdm , msSense , intuneAosp , google , unknownFutureValue . |
managementState | managementState | ManagementState. Possible values are: managed , retirePending , retireFailed , wipePending , wipeFailed , unhealthy , deletePending , retireIssued , wipeIssued , wipeCanceled , retireCanceled , discovered . |
referenceId | String | ReferenceId |
mdmStatus | String | MDMStatus |
osVersion | String | OSVersion |
serialNumber | String | SerialNumber |
manufacturer | String | Manufacturer |
model | String | Model |
osDescription | String | OSDescription |
entitySource | Int32 | EntitySource |
userId | String | UserId |
upn | String | UPN |
userEmail | String | UserEmail |
userName | String | UserName |
status | comanagementEligibleType | ComanagementEligibleStatus. Possible values are: comanaged , eligible , eligibleButNotAzureAdJoined , needsOsUpdate , ineligible , scheduledForEnrollment , unknownFutureValue . |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.comanagementEligibleDevice",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deviceName": "String",
"deviceType": "String",
"clientRegistrationStatus": "String",
"ownerType": "String",
"managementAgents": "String",
"managementState": "String",
"referenceId": "String",
"mdmStatus": "String",
"osVersion": "String",
"serialNumber": "String",
"manufacturer": "String",
"model": "String",
"osDescription": "String",
"entitySource": 1024,
"userId": "String",
"upn": "String",
"userEmail": "String",
"userName": "String",
"status": "String"