deviceManagementConfigurationTemplateFamily enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Describes the TemplateFamily for the Template entity


Member Value Description
none 0 Default for Template Family when Policy is not linked to a Template
endpointSecurityAntivirus 10 Template Family for EndpointSecurityAntivirus that manages the discrete group of antivirus settings for managed devices
endpointSecurityDiskEncryption 11 Template Family for EndpointSecurityDiskEncryption that provides settings that are relevant for a devices built-in encryption method, like FileVault or BitLocker
endpointSecurityFirewall 12 Template Family for EndpointSecurityFirewall that helps configure a devices built-in firewall for device that run macOS and Windows 10
endpointSecurityEndpointDetectionAndResponse 13 Template Family for EndpointSecurityEndpointDetectionAndResponse that facilitates management of the EDR settings and onboard devices to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
endpointSecurityAttackSurfaceReduction 14 Template Family for EndpointSecurityAttackSurfaceReduction that help reduce your attack surfaces, by minimizing the places where your organization is vulnerable to cyberthreats and attacks
endpointSecurityAccountProtection 15 Template Family for EndpointSecurityAccountProtection that facilitates protecting the identity and accounts of users
endpointSecurityApplicationControl 16 Template Family for ApplicationControl that helps mitigate security threats by restricting the applications that users can run and the code that runs in the System Core (kernel)
endpointSecurityEndpointPrivilegeManagement 17 Template Family for EPM Elevation Rules
enrollmentConfiguration 18 Template Family for EnrollmentConfiguration
appQuietTime 19 Template Family for QuietTimeIndicates Template Family for all the Apps QuietTime policies and templates
baseline 20 Template Family for Baseline
unknownFutureValue 21 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.
deviceConfigurationScripts 22 Template Family for device configuration scripts
deviceConfigurationPolicies 23 Template Family for device configuration policies
windowsOsRecoveryPolicies 24 Template Family for windowsOsRecovery that can be applied during a Windows operating system recovery
companyPortal 25 Template Family for Company Portal settings