macOSSoftwareUpdateState enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

MacOS Software Update State


Member Value Description
success 0 The software update successfully installed
downloading 1000 The software update is being downloaded
downloaded 1001 The software update has been downloaded
installing 1002 The software update is being installed
idle 1003 No action is being taken on this software update
available 1004 The software update is available on the device
scheduled 1005 The software update has been scheduled on the device
downloadFailed 2000 The software update download has failed
downloadInsufficientSpace 2001 There is not enough space to download the update
downloadInsufficientPower 2002 There is not enough power to download the update
downloadInsufficientNetwork 2003 There is insufficient network capacity to download the update
installInsufficientSpace 2004 There is not enough space to install the update
installInsufficientPower 2005 There is not enough power to install the update
installFailed 2006 Installation has failed for an unspecified reason
commandFailed 2007 The schedule update command has failed for an unspecified reason