deviceThreatProtectionLevel enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Device threat protection levels for the Device Threat Protection API.


Member Value Description
unavailable 0 Default Value. Do not use.
secured 1 Device Threat Level requirement: Secured. This is the most secure level, and represents that no threats were found on the device.
low 2 Device Threat Protection level requirement: Low. Low represents a severity of threat that poses minimal risk to the device or device data.
medium 3 Device Threat Protection level requirement: Medium. Medium represents a severity of threat that poses moderate risk to the device or device data.
high 4 Device Threat Protection level requirement: High. High represents a severity of threat that poses severe risk to the device or device data.
notSet 10 Device Threat Protection level requirement: Not Set. Not set represents that there is no requirement for the device to meet a Threat Protection level.