excludedApps resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Contains properties for Excluded Office365 Apps.


Property Type Description
access Boolean The value for if MS Office Access should be excluded or not.
bing Boolean The value for if Microsoft Search as default should be excluded or not.
excel Boolean The value for if MS Office Excel should be excluded or not.
groove Boolean The value for if MS Office OneDrive for Business - Groove should be excluded or not.
infoPath Boolean The value for if MS Office InfoPath should be excluded or not.
lync Boolean The value for if MS Office Skype for Business - Lync should be excluded or not.
oneDrive Boolean The value for if MS Office OneDrive should be excluded or not.
oneNote Boolean The value for if MS Office OneNote should be excluded or not.
outlook Boolean The value for if MS Office Outlook should be excluded or not.
powerPoint Boolean The value for if MS Office PowerPoint should be excluded or not.
publisher Boolean The value for if MS Office Publisher should be excluded or not.
sharePointDesigner Boolean The value for if MS Office SharePointDesigner should be excluded or not.
teams Boolean The value for if MS Office Teams should be excluded or not.
visio Boolean The value for if MS Office Visio should be excluded or not.
word Boolean The value for if MS Office Word should be excluded or not.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.excludedApps",
  "access": true,
  "bing": true,
  "excel": true,
  "groove": true,
  "infoPath": true,
  "lync": true,
  "oneDrive": true,
  "oneNote": true,
  "outlook": true,
  "powerPoint": true,
  "publisher": true,
  "sharePointDesigner": true,
  "teams": true,
  "visio": true,
  "word": true