backupRestoreRoot resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Represents the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage service in a tenant.


Method Return type Description
Get backupRestoreRoot Get details of the Backup Storage service.
Enable backupRestoreRoot Enable the Backup Storage service.


Property Type Description
id String ID of the Backup Storage service.
serviceStatus serviceStatus Represents the tenant-level status of the Backup Storage service.


Relationship Type Description
driveInclusionRules driveProtectionRule collection The list of drive inclusion rules applied to the tenant.
driveProtectionUnits driveProtectionUnit collection The list of drive protection units in the tenant.
exchangeProtectionPolicies exchangeProtectionPolicy collection The list of Exchange protection policies in the tenant.
exchangeRestoreSessions exchangeRestoreSession collection The list of Exchange restore sessions available in the tenant.
mailboxInclusionRules mailboxProtectionRule collection The list of mailbox inclusion rules applied to the tenant.
mailboxProtectionUnits mailboxProtectionUnit collection The list of mailbox protection units in the tenant.
oneDriveForBusinessProtectionPolicies oneDriveForBusinessProtectionPolicy collection The list of OneDrive for Business protection policies in the tenant.
oneDriveForBusinessRestoreSessions oneDriveForBusinessRestoreSession collection The list of OneDrive for Business restore sessions available in the tenant.
protectionPolicies protectionPolicyBase collection List of protection policies in the tenant.
protectionUnits protectionUnitBase collection List of protection units in the tenant.
restorePoints restorePoint collection List of restore points in the tenant.
restoreSessions restoreSessionBase collection List of restore sessions in the tenant.
serviceApps serviceApp collection List of Backup Storage apps in the tenant.
sharePointProtectionPolicies sharePointProtectionPolicy collection The list of SharePoint protection policies in the tenant.
sharePointRestoreSessions sharePointRestoreSession collection The list of SharePoint restore sessions available in the tenant.
siteInclusionRules siteProtectionRule collection The list of site inclusion rules applied to the tenant.
siteProtectionUnits siteProtectionUnit collection The list of site protection units in the tenant.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.backupRestoreRoot",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "serviceStatus": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.serviceStatus"