Update windowsMobileMSI

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Update the properties of a windowsMobileMSI object.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.

Permission type Permissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account) DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported.
Application DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All

HTTP Request

PATCH /deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/{mobileAppId}

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Accept application/json

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation for the windowsMobileMSI object.

The following table shows the properties that are required when you create the windowsMobileMSI.

Property Type Description
id String Key of the entity. Inherited from mobileApp
displayName String The admin provided or imported title of the app. Inherited from mobileApp
description String The description of the app. Inherited from mobileApp
publisher String The publisher of the app. Inherited from mobileApp
largeIcon mimeContent The large icon, to be displayed in the app details and used for upload of the icon. Inherited from mobileApp
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the app was created. Inherited from mobileApp
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the app was last modified. Inherited from mobileApp
isFeatured Boolean The value indicating whether the app is marked as featured by the admin. Inherited from mobileApp
privacyInformationUrl String The privacy statement Url. Inherited from mobileApp
informationUrl String The more information Url. Inherited from mobileApp
owner String The owner of the app. Inherited from mobileApp
developer String The developer of the app. Inherited from mobileApp
notes String Notes for the app. Inherited from mobileApp
publishingState mobileAppPublishingState The publishing state for the app. The app cannot be assigned unless the app is published. Inherited from mobileApp. Possible values are: notPublished, processing, published.
committedContentVersion String The internal committed content version. Inherited from mobileLobApp
fileName String The name of the main Lob application file. Inherited from mobileLobApp
size Int64 The total size, including all uploaded files. Inherited from mobileLobApp
commandLine String The command line.
productCode String The product code.
productVersion String The product version of Windows Mobile MSI Line of Business (LoB) app.
ignoreVersionDetection Boolean A boolean to control whether the app's version will be used to detect the app after it is installed on a device. Set this to true for Windows Mobile MSI Line of Business (LoB) apps that use a self update feature.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and an updated windowsMobileMSI object in the response body.



Here is an example of the request.

PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/{mobileAppId}
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 855

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsMobileMSI",
  "displayName": "Display Name value",
  "description": "Description value",
  "publisher": "Publisher value",
  "largeIcon": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mimeContent",
    "type": "Type value",
    "value": "dmFsdWU="
  "isFeatured": true,
  "privacyInformationUrl": "https://example.com/privacyInformationUrl/",
  "informationUrl": "https://example.com/informationUrl/",
  "owner": "Owner value",
  "developer": "Developer value",
  "notes": "Notes value",
  "publishingState": "processing",
  "committedContentVersion": "Committed Content Version value",
  "fileName": "File Name value",
  "size": 4,
  "commandLine": "Command Line value",
  "productCode": "Product Code value",
  "productVersion": "Product Version value",
  "ignoreVersionDetection": true


Here is an example of the response. Note: The response object shown here may be truncated for brevity. All of the properties will be returned from an actual call.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1027

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsMobileMSI",
  "id": "aa453e5d-3e5d-aa45-5d3e-45aa5d3e45aa",
  "displayName": "Display Name value",
  "description": "Description value",
  "publisher": "Publisher value",
  "largeIcon": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mimeContent",
    "type": "Type value",
    "value": "dmFsdWU="
  "createdDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:02:43.5775965-08:00",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:00:35.1329464-08:00",
  "isFeatured": true,
  "privacyInformationUrl": "https://example.com/privacyInformationUrl/",
  "informationUrl": "https://example.com/informationUrl/",
  "owner": "Owner value",
  "developer": "Developer value",
  "notes": "Notes value",
  "publishingState": "processing",
  "committedContentVersion": "Committed Content Version value",
  "fileName": "File Name value",
  "size": 4,
  "commandLine": "Command Line value",
  "productCode": "Product Code value",
  "productVersion": "Product Version value",
  "ignoreVersionDetection": true