cloudPcReports: getInaccessibleCloudPcReports

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Get inaccessible Cloud PCs with details, including the latest health state, failed connection count, failed health check count, and system status. An inaccessible Cloud PC represents a Cloud PC that is in an unavailable state (at least one of the health checks failed) or has consecutive user connections failure.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) CloudPC.Read.All CloudPC.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application CloudPC.Read.All CloudPC.ReadWrite.All

HTTP request

POST /deviceManagement/virtualEndpoint/reports/getInaccessibleCloudPcReports

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Content-Type application/json. Required.
Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members Enables evolvable enum values beyond the sentinel value. For more information, see Best practices for working with Microsoft Graph. Optional.

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation of the parameters.

The following table shows the parameters that you can use with this method.

Parameter Type Description
filter String OData $filter syntax. Only and, or, gt ,ge and eq are currently supported.
groupBy String collection Specifies how to group the reports. If used, must have the same content as the select parameter.
orderBy String collection Specifies how to sort the reports.
reportName cloudPCInaccessibleReportName The report name. The possible values are: inaccessibleCloudPcReports, inaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport, unknownFutureValue, regionalInaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport. The default value is inaccessibleCloudPcReports if the reportName is empty. You must use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value in this evolvable enum: regionalInaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport.
search String Specifies a String to search for.
select String collection OData $select syntax. Represents the selected columns of the reports.
skip Int32 Number of records to skip.
top Int32 The number of top records to return.

cloudPCInaccessibleReportName values

Member Description
inaccessibleCloudPcReports Indicates a report that contains details of Cloud PCs that are inaccessible, including those with consecutive connection failures or in an unavailable state.
inaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport Indicates a daily aggregated report for a specified period that contains details of Cloud PCs that are inaccessible, including those with consecutive connection failures or in an unavailable state.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.
regionalInaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport Indicates the weekly regional aggregated report of inaccessible Cloud PC trends.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a Stream object in the response body.


Example 1: Get reports of inaccessible Cloud PCs in a specific region

The following example shows how to get reports of inaccessible Cloud PCs in a specific region.


The following example shows a request.

Content-Type: application/json
Content-length: 199

  "filter": "region eq 'westus2'",
  "orderBy": [
  "select": [
  "top": 10,
  "skip": 0


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

  "TotalRowCount": 2,
  "Schema": [
      "Column": "cloudPcId",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "aadDeviceId",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "cloudPcName",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "userPrincipalName",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "provisioningStatus",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "region",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "deviceHealthStatus",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "deviceHealthStatusDateTime",
      "PropertyType": "DateTime"
      "Column": "recentDeviceHealthFailureCount",
      "PropertyType": "Int32"
      "Column": "recentConnectionFailureCount",
      "PropertyType": "Int64"
      "Column": "systemStatus",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "systemStatusDateTime",
      "PropertyType": "DateTime"
  "Values": [

The following example shows how to get the weekly regional aggregated report of inaccessible Cloud PC trends.


The following example shows a request.

Content-Type: application/json
Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members

  "reportName": "regionalInaccessibleCloudPcTrendReport",
  "filter": "",
  "select": [
  "search": "",
  "skip": 0,
  "top": 50


The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

  "TotalRowCount": 2,
  "Schema": [
      "Column": "HostRegionName",
      "PropertyType": "String"
      "Column": "CloudPcCount",
      "PropertyType": "Int64"
      "Column": "WeeklyPeakInaccessibleCloudPcCount",
      "PropertyType": "Int64"
      "Column": "Last24hPeakInaccessibleCloudPcCount",
      "PropertyType": "Int64"
      "Column": "WeeklyInaccessibleTrend",
      "PropertyType": "String"
  "Values": [
    [ "Japan East", 46, 10, 5, "Increasing" ],
    [ "East US", 1, 0, 0, "Decreasing" ]