PlayFab Party Error Codes

The following error codes are used by the PlayFab Party APIs:

Common errors

Hex Dec Description
0x0001 1 Encountered unknown error.
0x0002 2 Failed to allocate memory.
0x0003 3 API not implemented.
0x0004 4 Invalid argument specified.
0x0005 5 Failed to create new thread.
0x0006 6 Failed to find specified resource.
0x0007 7 The operation is pending.
0x0008 8 Unmapped platform error.
0x0009 9 Unmapped messaging error.
0x000A 10 The buffer passed is too small.
0x000B 11 A component is in an invalid state to perform the requested operation.
0x000C 12 A thread created in a suspended state couldn't be started.
0x0018 24 The specified PlayFab Entity ID is invalid.
0x0020 32 The PlayFab token is too large.
0x0022 34 The specified PlayFab Entity ID hasn't been provided to the Party library.
0x0023 35 The PlayFab entity token is malformed or otherwise invalid.
0x0024 36 The user isn't authorized to execute the operation.
0x0026 38 At least one data buffer with at least one byte must be provided.
0x0029 41 A specified argument was valid but support is unimplemented.
0x002C 44 An error was encountered while validating the PlayFab entity token.
0x002D 45 The provided network configuration struct was invalid.
0x002E 46 The provided invitation failed to specify an identifier.
0x002F 47 The provided invitation specified too many Entity IDs.
0x0030 48 The provided invitation's identifier was too long.
0x0031 49 The provided invitation's revocability was invalid.
0x0032 50 Another invitation with the provided identifier already exists in the network.
0x0036 54 This operation is already in progress.
0x0039 57 Insufficient buffer supplied to network transport.
0x003A 58 Network interface not ready.
0x003B 59 Network interface has failed.
0x003C 60 Failed to bind because the local address is already in use.
0x003D 61 Failed to complete the operation because a system limit was reached.
0x003E 62 Network transport failed to complete operation because associated data was too large.
0x003F 63 Failed to establish or maintain a connection to a network or remote peer.
0x0040 64 The remote side denied an incoming connection.
0x0044 68 A packet was dropped on the wire.
0x0045 69 A packet with malformed data was received.
0x0046 70 A duplicate handle was supplied to network transport.
0x0048 72 Network transport channel was terminated.
0x0049 73 Network transport link was remotely terminated.
0x004A 74 Network transport link was locally terminated.
0x004B 75 The network transport hostname isn't valid or couldn't be resolved.
0x004C 76 Remote side forcibly closed socket.
0x004E 78 Network transport operation timed out.
0x0051 81 A network transport link can't be created because one already exists to that remote address.
0x0052 82 An attempt to create a secure connection timed out.
0x0053 83 A request to a PlayFab service timed out.
0x0054 84 An internal error was encountered while processing a service request.
0x0055 85 The http connection was reset or terminated.
0x0056 86 The http operation was unexpectedly canceled.
0x0057 87 The http response was smaller than expected.
0x0058 88 The http response was larger than expected.
0x005B 91 A platform operation provided a generic failure code.
0x005C 92 The PlayFab entity token has expired.
0x005D 93 The http request was throttled by the service.
0x0069 105 The http request failed due to an invalid certificate.
0x006D 109 The target device isn't in the network.
0x006F 111 The operation couldn't be completed because the neceessary DTLS handshake state already expired or was missing.
0x0070 112 The remote address for the link hasn't yet been set.
0x0071 113 The network transport operation isn't supported on this platform.
0x0072 114 An invalid platform type was encountered.
0x0073 115 The string couldn't be converted to a UUID.
0x0077 119 No network transport DTLS handshake data bytes were generated even after a retry.
0x0078 120 The local network transport device doesn't have the required secure transport enabled.
0x0079 121 The device described by the remote network transport address doesn't have the required secure transport enabled.
0x007D 125 The network transport potential target didn't generate DTLS handshake data bytes.
0x007F 127 Performing a network transport digest operation failed.
0x0082 130 A port number was required by network transport but was missing.
0x0083 131 No usable local network addresses exist for network transport.
0x0085 133 The PlayFab service detected a concurrent, conflicting change and couldn't complete the operation. Most commonly, this error is caused by multiple clients calling the same PlayFab API with the same PlayFab entity.
0x0089 137 Setting work mode after Party initialization is forbidden.
0x008D 141 The operation couldn't be performed in the current work mode.
0x008E 142 The operation couldn't be performed because it wasn't invoked from a thread in a COM multithreaded apartment.
0x008F 143 Text moderation service isn't enabled for this title; please contact Microsoft to enable.
0x0090 144 The service encountered an error performing text moderation.
0x0093 147 Moderation of text chat on direct peer connections is unsupported.
0x0095 149 Setting profiling callbacks after Party initialization is forbidden.
0x009E 158 The network transport operation needed resources that are currently busy.
0x00A0 160 The http request failed due to an error in the SSL certificate sent by the server.
0x00A1 161 The network transport hostname couldn't be resolved.
0x00A2 162 The network transport hostname didn't have any associated IP addresses.
0x00A3 163 Resolving the network transport hostname didn't return any results.
0x00A9 169 An operation failed due to an invalid URL.
0x00AC 172 The system denied access permissions to bind the UDP socket or other network transport operation.
0x00B9 185 The entity type is not one of the currently supported types.

Client errors

Hex Dec Description
0x1000 4096 The Party library must be initialized.
0x1001 4097 A user is already associated with the specified chat control.
0x1002 4098 The operation was called with an invalid handle.
0x1003 4099 Can't create local user; local user limit reached.
0x1004 4100 Can't create local user; local user already exists.
0x1005 4101 Only one PartyManager instance may exist at a time.
0x1006 4102 Can't connect to network; network already connected.
0x1007 4103 Internet connectivity error encountered.
0x1008 4104 Operation couldn't be performed because object is being destroyed.
0x1009 4105 Can't create another chat control; chat control limit reached.
0x100C 4108 The thread affinity mask requested a processor that isn't selected for the process affinity mask.
0x100E 4110 Information about the endpoint isn't yet available because the endpoint is still being created.
0x1010 4112 The request to create a network failed because there are no servers were available.
0x1011 4113 Failed to access the audio device.
0x1012 4114 Audio operation failed because it was provided an unsupported audio format.
0x1013 4115 The device handle must reference a local device.
0x1014 4116 The chat control handle must reference a local chat control.
0x1015 4117 The endpoint handle must reference a local endpoint.
0x1016 4118 The specified audio output is pending initialization.
0x1017 4119 The specified audio output was recognized but disabled.
0x1018 4120 The specified audio output was recognized but not present.
0x1019 4121 The specified audio output was recognized but currently unplugged.
0x101A 4122 The allocation service is unavailable.
0x101B 4123 Too many data buffers provided for sending a message.
0x1022 4130 The client couldn't find the specified endpoint ID.
0x1023 4131 The specified endpoint ID was invalid or out of range.
0x1025 4133 Can't create an endpoint because the limit specified by the network configuration has been reached.
0x102C 4140 The endpoint list isn't yet available.
0x102F 4143 Using a local target chat control is unsupported.
0x1031 4145 Too many target endpoints specified for sending a message.
0x1034 4148 The network handle provided doesn't own the provided endpoint handle.
0x103E 4158 The client failed to resolve the network's IP address and port strings.
0x103F 4159 The multiplayer server response specified an unexpected Azure region.
0x1040 4160 Attempted to create an endpoint or connect a chat control with an unauthenticated local user.
0x1042 4162 The serialized network descriptor isn't supported by this version of the Party library.
0x1043 4163 The network identifier is invalid.
0x1044 4164 The region name is invalid.
0x1045 4165 The network descriptor's opaque connection information is invalid.
0x1046 4166 The size of the serialized network descriptor string is too small to be deserialized into valid data.
0x1049 4169 The chat control is already in the specified network.
0x104A 4170 The chat control isn't in the specified network.
0x104B 4171 The opaque connection information isn't supported by this version of the Party library.
0x104C 4172 The hostname contained in the network descriptor's opaque connection information was invalid.
0x104D 4173 The port contained in the network descriptor's opaque connection information was invalid.
0x104E 4174 The network configuration isn't available yet.
0x104F 4175 The audio render volume was out of the allowable range [0.0, 1.0].
0x1051 4177 Attempted to perform an invitation operation on behalf of an unauthenticated local user.
0x1058 4184 The provided target chat control list contained at least one duplicate chat control.
0x1059 4185 The provided target endpoint list contained at least one duplicate endpoint.
0x105A 4186 A platform error resulted in failure to determine the preferred UI language.
0x105B 4187 XAudio 2.7 debug version not installed on system (install the DirectX SDK Developer Runtime).
0x105C 4188 XAudio 2.7 not installed on system (install the DirectX End-user Runtimes (June 2010)).
0x105E 4190 Authentication was attempted for a user that is already authenticated.
0x1062 4194 The text-to-speech synthesis request was rejected by the service for being too large.
0x1063 4195 The text-to-speech synthesis request was throttled.
0x1064 4196 The text-to-speech synthesis request was unauthorized.
0x1065 4197 The text-to-speech synthesis request was canceled.
0x1066 4198 The provided text-to-speech synthesis string was longer than the max text-to-speech synthesis string length.
0x1069 4201 Parsing the transcription phrase text failed.
0x106A 4202 The region list couldn't be determined.
0x106B 4203 This version of the Party library isn't compatible with the PlayFab service.
0x106C 4204 The hostname returned by the allocation request was invalid.
0x106D 4205 The send message queuing priority wasn't within the allowed range.
0x1071 4209 The ping to the quality of service beacon timed out.
0x1072 4210 No supported regions were found.
0x1073 4211 The request provided to the PlayFab service was malformed.
0x1074 4212 The title isn't authorized to perform the operation.
0x1075 4213 Tried to send to a local target; loopback isn't yet supported.
0x1079 4217 The specified text to speech profile was invalid.
0x107A 4218 Attempted to synthesize text without setting a text to speech profile.
0x107B 4219 The provided gender wasn't recognized.
0x107C 4220 The remote transcription operation failed.
0x107D 4221 An invalid transcription error type was received.
0x107E 4222 The specified text to speech profile identifier was too long.
0x107F 4223 The specified text to speech profile name was too long.
0x1080 4224 The specified language code was too long.
0x1081 4225 The PlayFab service has throttled requests for this user.
0x1082 4226 The PlayFab service has throttled requests for this title.
0x1083 4227 Parsing the transcription hypothesis text failed.
0x1084 4228 The requested statistic list contained at least one duplicate statistic type.
0x1085 4229 The requested statistic list contained an unrecognized or unsupported statistic type.
0x1086 4230 This title isn't enabled for PlayFab Party use. Check the PlayFab game manager portal.
0x1087 4231 The request to populate text-to-speech profiles was canceled.
0x1089 4233 The service provided an invalid translation response.
0x108A 4234 The network's configuration doesn't allow any more unique users.
0x108B 4235 The network's configuration doesn't allow any more users on this device.
0x108C 4236 The network's configuration doesn't allow this user to authenticate on any more devices.
0x108D 4237 The network's configuration doesn't allow this device to connect because the maximum number of devices are already connected.
0x108E 4238 The operation failed because it depended on a user authentication that also failed.
0x108F 4239 An invalid translation result type was received.
0x1090 4240 Endpoints can't be created without a successfully authenticated user or an authentication in progress.
0x1092 4242 The request to populate text-to-speech profiles encountered an unhandled service error.
0x1094 4244 A translation request returned an unexpected response.
0x1098 4248 The audio device is already in use by another user.
0x1099 4249 The network descriptor is malformed because the checksum doesn't match the expected value.
0x109A 4250 The serialized network descriptor is malformed because the checksum doesn't match the expected value.
0x109B 4251 The network descriptor is a placeholder that can't be used on this device at this time.
0x109C 4252 The serialized network descriptor isn't in an expected format.
0x109E 4254 The create invitation operation was canceled.
0x109F 4255 The revoke invitation operation was canceled.
0x10A2 4258 The operation couldn't be completed because the invitation doesn't exist.
0x10A4 4260 A quality of service beacon server region name was invalid.
0x10A5 4261 A quality of service beacon server hostname was invalid.
0x10A6 4262 The service returned more quality of service beacon server regions than are supported.
0x10AA 4266 The network operation can't complete because creating the network failed.
0x10AB 4267 Access to the specified audio output is restricted.
0x10AC 4268 The audio device couldn't be initialized because the app doesn't have microphone focus.
0x10AD 4269 No audio device was initialized because the app doesn't have microphone focus.
0x10AE 4270 No audio devices could be found for the specified user.
0x10AF 4271 A user was recognized, but no associated audio device was found.
0x10BA 4282 The translation operation was canceled due to chat control destruction.
0x10BC 4284 The service failed to validate the provided text-to-speech profile.
0x10BD 4285 The service couldn't allocate a network because the requested version was invalid.
0x10C7 4295 This device was disconnected from the Party network because it had no authenticated users for an extended period of time.
0x10C8 4296 The audio device selection context was invalid.
0x10C9 4297 The chat text string must not be empty.
0x10CB 4299 XAudio 2.8 and 2.9 not found. These libraries are built in to Windows 8 and Windows 10, respectively.
0x10CD 4301 The requested operation can't be performed because the network is already being destroyed.
0x10CE 4302 The audio device is already in use by another application and couldn't be initialized.
0x10CF 4303 The audio device was removed during initialization.
0x10D0 4304 The Party module couldn't be found or loaded.
0x10D1 4305 The specified PartyOption is unsupported.
0x10D2 4306 The specified object type isn't supported for this PartyOption.
0x10D4 4308 The memory allocate callback and memory free callback must both be null or both be non-null.
0x10D5 4309 SetMemoryCallbacks has already been called and may not be called again for the lifetime of this process.
0x10D7 4311 The Cognitive Services token has expired but hasn't refreshed yet.
0x10D8 4312 The audio stream doesn't have enough space to handle the buffer.
0x10DA 4314 The source text didn't contain any characters that could be synthesized.
0x10DC 4316 User denied access to the audio device.
0x10DF 4319 The specified PartyOption is recognized but not supported for this operation type (get/set).
0x10E0 4320 Failed to process the profanity tags in the transcription provided by the speech service.
0x10E1 4321 Failed to parse the string within the profanity tags indicated by the speech service.
0x10E3 4323 Failed to parse the transcription because it contained an XML tag reserved for the Party network protocol.
0x10E5 4325 The memory callbacks may not be set after any other API call has been made for the lifetime of the process.
0x10E6 4326 A request provided to the PlayFab service had invalid parameters. An invalid region may have been provided to CreateNewNetwork.
0x10EA 4330 An unknown error code was returned by the PlayFab service.
0x10EB 4331 An unexpected error code was returned by the PlayFab service.
0x10EC 4332 An unexpected error code was returned by the PlayFab service with a 4XX response code.
0x10ED 4333 An unexpected error code was returned by the PlayFab service with a 5XX response code.
0x10FD 4349 The target endpoint list contained multiple endpoints while the statistic list contained a statistic type that only supports a single endpoint.
0x10FE 4350 The target endpoint list contained a local endpoint while the statistic list contained a statistic type that only supports remote endpoints.
0x110B 4363 The service couldn't allocate a network matching the request. The build alias may be set incorrectly.
0x110D 4365 The language code can't be empty.
0x110E 4366 The sum of sizes of shared property keys and values provided exceeded the maximum allowed size.
0x110F 4367 A duplicate shared property key was provided.
0x1110 4368 An empty shared property value was provided.
0x1112 4370 The number of shared properties provided exceeded the maximum number allowed.
0x1114 4372 A shared property key exceeded the maximum allowed key length.
0x1119 4377 The party text chat filter level is invalid.
0x111A 4378 A request provided to the PlayFab service had invalid parameters. An invalid region may have been provided to CreateNewNetwork.
0x111E 4382 An empty shared property key was provided.
0x1122 4386 The quality of service beacon hostname couldn't be resolved.
0x1123 4387 The quality of service beacon hostname didn't have any associated IP addresses.
0x1124 4388 Resolving the quality of service beacon hostname didn't return any results.
0x1128 4392 The PartyRegionUpdateMode value is invalid.
0x1129 4393 The region update configuration refresh interval value is invalid.
0x112A 4394 The region quality measurement total timeout value is invalid.
0x112B 4395 The region quality measurement high latency hint value is invalid.
0x112C 4396 The region quality measurement minimum required successful responses value is invalid.
0x112D 4397 The region quality measurement ideal number of successful responses value is invalid.

Platform-specific errors

Hex Dec Description
0x3000 12288 The thread affinity mask didn't specify any processors that are valid for XAudio2 to affinitize its threads to.
0x3001 12289 Unmapped XAudio2 error.
0x3002 12290 Audio operation failed because Windows audio service isn't running.
0x3003 12291 An unspecified platform error occurred when trying to read an environment variable.
0x3004 12292 Couldn't locate the audio device interface path.
0x3005 12293 Device selection type not supported on this platform.
0x3006 12294 Couldn't initialize the Android audio device.
0x3009 12297 The Android audio render device isn't ready.
0x300B 12299 Couldn't find iOS audio unit.
0x300C 12300 Couldn't set format to iOS audio unit.
0x300E 12302 Couldn't initialize iOS audio unit.
0x300F 12303 The thread affinity mask didn't specify any processors that are valid for Android to affinitize its threads to.
0x3010 12304 Failed to set the thread affinity.
0x3011 12305 No platform user was specified.
0x3014 12308 The Microsoft gaming runtime DLL wasn't found.
0x3015 12309 The Microsoft gaming runtime DLL doesn't support this version of the GDK.
0x3016 12310 Operation failed because the Microsoft gaming runtime requires an application window to be in the foreground.
0x3017 12311 The Microsoft gaming runtime is in a suspended state.
0x3018 12312 Can't add this user because the max number of users was already added to the Microsoft gaming runtime.
0x3019 12313 Microsoft gaming runtime operation failed because the user is signed out.
0x301A 12314 The Microsoft gaming runtime needs UI to resolve an issue with a user.
0x301B 12315 Deferral not available in the Microsoft gaming runtime.
0x301C 12316 A user matching the ID wasn't found in the Microsoft gaming runtime.
0x301D 12317 There isn't a default user for the Microsoft gaming runtime.
0x301E 12318 The Microsoft gaming runtime failed to resolve a required user privilege.
0x301F 12319 The Microsoft gaming XNetworking feature is unavailable.
0x3020 12320 The network stack must be initialized before calling PartyManager::Initialize(); use the Microsoft Game Core XNetworkingGetConnectivityHint API to determine when the network stack is initialized.
0x3021 12321 Callers must pass a port value of 0 when the PartyLocalUdpSocketBindAddressOptions::ExcludeGameCorePreferredUdpMultiplayerPort option is set.
0x3022 12322 It's invalid to pass PartyLocalUdpSocketBindAddressOptions::ExcludeGameCorePreferredUdpMultiplayerPort in all versions of PlayFab Party except for the Microsoft Game Core version.
0x3023 12323 The user and/or device aren't authorized to use the requested sandbox or aren't authorized to use the requested title in the current sandbox.
0x3024 12324 When using the Microsoft Game Core version of the library, it must be cleaned up when the title is suspended and re-initialized when the title is resumed.
0x3030 12336 The noise suppression model failed to initialize.