Additional Xtf APIs

The Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) API is used for checking available space for apps and retrieving user friendly error messages.

App functions

App function Description
XtfPullAuditionApp Reserved for internal use.
XtfPullRegisterApp Reserved for internal use.
XtfPullSupplyMock Reserved for internal use.
XtfPullUnregisterApp Reserved for internal use.

Console info functions

Console info function Description
XtfCloseConsoleInfoList Frees resources associated with an XtfConsoleInfo object returned by XtfGetConsoleInfoList.
XtfGetAvailableSpaceForAppInstallation Gets the total number of bytes available on the specified storage device of a development console.
XtfGetConsoleFieldValue Retrieves information about a console, one of Tools IP Address, Console IP Address, AccessKey, Console ID, HostName, Device ID, DevKit Cert type, SystemMajorVersion, SystemMinorVersion, SystemBuildVersion, or SystemRevisionVersion.
XtfGetConsoleInfoList Returns an XtfConsoleInfo object that contains information about a console.
XtfGetSavedConsoleAddress Gets the Tools IP address of the default console for Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) apps.
XtfGetSystemUpTime Gets the amount of time in milliseconds that the System OS and Game OS have been running.
XtfWaitForConsoleOSReady Waits until the console OS is ready to receive commands before returning.
XtfWaitForConsoleState Blocks execution until either the specified console states are reached or a timeout occurs.

Credential functions

Credential function Description
XtfAddCredential Adds credentials (user name and password) to the given console for use by Run from PC Deployment.
XtfCloseCredentialInfoList Frees resources associated with an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList.
XtfGetCredentialInfoCount Gets the count of credentials stored in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList.
XtfGetCredentialInfoList Returns an XtfNetworkCredentials object that contains the list of credentials currently stored on the console.
XtfGetCredentialServerName Gets the server name part of the credentials stored at an index in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList.
XtfGetCredentialUserName Gets the user name part of the credentials stored at an index in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList.
XtfRemoveCredential Removes credentials from the given console. Use XtfAddCredential add credentials.

Debug functions

Debug function Description
XtfCaptureOutputBegin Starts capture of debug output.
XtfCaptureOutputEnd Stop capture debug output.
XtfDebugStringCallback Callback invoked for each output debug string captured by XtfCaptureOutputBegin.
XtfDebugStringErrorCallback Callback invoked for each error captured by XtfCaptureOutputBegin.
XtfGetErrorText Gets a user-friendly error message and action text for the specified HRESULT.

Game clip functions

Game clip function Description
XtfCaptureRecordedGameClip Captures a video clip from the currently running game.

Package info functions

Package info function Description
XtfClosePackageInfo Frees a package information object.
XtfGetAumid Gets the application model user ID at an index from a package information object.
XtfGetCountofAppUserModelIds Gets the count of application user model IDs from a package information object.
XtfGetPackageFullName Get the full package name from a package information object.
XtfRegisterAllPackagesOnDrive Register all packages deployed on the specified drive.
XtfRegisterNetworkSharePackage Registers a package for Run from PC Deployment.
XtfRegisterPackage Registers a package deployed to the title scratch drive.
XtfRegisterPackageOnDrive Registers a package deployed on the specified drive.
XtfUnregisterPackage Unregisters a package deployed to the title scratch drive.

Title OS functions

Title OS function Description
XtfCacheTitleOS Adds a Game OS to the OS cache.
XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersions Gets the version information of each Game OS cached on the console.
XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersionsCallback Callback invoked for each Game OS found by XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersions.
XtfGetTitleOSFourPartVersion Gets version information about the Game OS for the currently running title.
XtfGetTitleOSState Query the state of the Title OS, Fast Iteration Mode, running Title, associate PID, and Package information.
XtfGetTitleProcessMemoryReports Reserved for internal use.
XtfRemoveTitleOSFromCache Removes a Game OS from the cache on the console.
XtfRemoveTitleOSFromCacheByVersion Removes the Game OS matching the specified FourPartVersion from the cache on the console.
XtfShutdownTitleOS Shuts down the active title and Game OS.
XtfStartTitleOS Starts or restarts the specified Game OS.
XtfStartTitleOSByGameConfig Starts or restarts the Game OS based on the contents of a MicrosoftGame.config file that is stored in memory as a string.
XtfStartTitleOSByVersion Starts or restarts the Game OS matching the specified FourPartVersion from the cache on the console.

Overlay Folder functions

Overlay Folder function Description
XtfClearAllOverlayFolders Clears the Overlay Folder paths for all packages installed/registered on the console.
XtfGetOverlayFolder Gets the Overlay Folder path for a specified package.
XtfSetOverlayFolder Sets the Overlay Folder path for a specified package.


Structure Description
FourPartVersion The four-part version number of a Game OS.


Enumeration Description
XtfConsoleCertType Enumeration Reserved for internal use.
XtfConsoleFieldId Enumeration Identifies the value to return from XtfGetConsoleFieldValue.
XtfConsoleFieldType Enumeration Identifies the type of the value returned from XtfGetConsoleFieldValue.