MicrosoftGame.config Element - MultiplayerProtocol

Allows for protocol activation within the title via "ms-xbl-multiplayer" protocol. Primarily used to enable Game Bar to launch games / multiplayer game invites.


This element's parent is the DesktopRegistration element.


This element is optional and is not required to be set.


This element only pertains to PC devices.


  • Attributes of Executable.
  • Default value is false. Executable attribute does not have a default value.
  • Allowed value is true and false. Executable attribute is a relative path to the executable file.


  • Executable attribute is optional and should match the executable defined in the ExecutableList element that should be protocol activated.
  • If the attribute is not provided, the protocol will default to activating the first Executable in the ExecutableList element.

See Also

MicrosoftGame.config Reference - Table of Contents