
This describes the various ways that we expose to a requestor why a permission check may fail.


enum class XblPermissionDenyReason  : uint32_t  
    Unknown = 0,  
    NotAllowed = 2,  
    MissingPrivilege = 3,  
    PrivilegeRestrictsTarget = 4,  
    BlockListRestrictsTarget = 5,  
    MuteListRestrictsTarget = 7,  
    PrivacySettingsRestrictsTarget = 9,  
    CrossNetworkUserMustBeFriend = 12  


Constant Description
Unknown Permission was denied, but either no reason was given or the privacy service threw an unexpected error.
NotAllowed The request was processed successfully, but the requestor is not allowed to perform the action. No reason is given.
MissingPrivilege The requestor was missing a privilege necessary for the action.
PrivilegeRestrictsTarget A privilege value for the requestor has a restriction that doesn't allow interaction with the target. For instance, a parental control only allows interaction with friends and the target isn't a friend.
BlockListRestrictsTarget The requestor has blocked the target user.
MuteListRestrictsTarget The requestor has muted the target user.
PrivacySettingsRestrictsTarget A privacy value for the requestor has a restriction that doesn't allow interaction with the target. For instance, a parental control only allows interaction with friends and the target isn't a friend.
CrossNetworkUserMustBeFriend The target is a cross-network user, but cross-network privacy settings indicated only friends are allowed. Cross-network friends are (currently) only managed at the title level, so the title must validate that the user are friends.

Member of


Header: privacy_c.h

See also
