GET (/users/xuid({xuid})/inbox)

Retrieves a specified number of user message summaries from the service. The domain for these URIs is


A user message summary contains only the message subject. For user-generated messages, this is currently the first 20 characters of the message text. System messages may provide an alternate subject, such as "LIVE System".

Messages are returned in the reverse of the order they were sent; that is, newer messages are returned first.

The only content type this API supports is "application/json", which is required in the HTTP headers of each call.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
xuid unsigned 64-bit integer The Xbox User ID (XUID) of the player who is making the request.

Query string parameters

Property Type Maximum Length Remarks
maxItems int 100 Maximum number of messages returned.
continuationToken string String returned in a previous enumeration call; used to continue enumeration.
skipItems int 100 Number of messages to skip; ignored if continuationToken is present.


You must have your own user claim to retrieve a user message summary.

Effect of privacy settings on resource

Only you can enumerate your own user messages.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Description
200 The request was successful.
400 Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.
403 The request is not allowed for the user or service.
404 A valid XUID is missing in the URI.
409 The underlying collection changed based on the continuation token that was passed.
416 The number of items to skip is larger than the number of available items.
500 General server-side error.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Response

If called successfully, the service returns the results data in a JSON format.

Property Type Maximum Length Remarks
results Message[] 100 Array of user messages
pagingInfo PagingInfo Paging information for the current set of results


Property Type Maximum Length Remarks
header Header User message header
messageSummary string 20 UTF-8; usually first 20 characters of message
Property Type Maximum Length Remarks
id string 50 Message identifier, used for retrieving message details or deleting messages.
isRead bool Flag indicating that the user has already read the message details.
sent DateTime UTC date and time the message was sent. (Provided by the service.)
expiration DateTime UTC date and time the message expires. (All messages have a maximum lifetime, to be determined in the future.)
messageType string 50 Message types: User, System, FriendRequest, Video, QuickChat, VideoChat, PartyChat, Title, GameInvite.
senderXuid ulong XUID of sender.
sender string 15 Gamertag of sender.
hasAudio bool Whether the message has an audio (voice) attachment.
hasPhoto bool Whether the message has a photo attachment.
hasText bool Whether the message contains text.

Paging Info

Property Type Maximum Length Remarks
continuationToken string 100 Optionally returned by server. Allows later calls to continue enumeration.
totalItems int Total number of messages in inbox.

Sample response

            "messageSummary":"first 20 chars"

Error Response

In case of error, the service may return an errorResponse object, which may contain values from the environment of the service.

Property Type Description
errorSource string An indication of where the error originated.
errorCode int Numeric code associated with the error (can be null).
errorMessage string Details of the error if configured to show details.

See also



Reference Standard HTTP status codes