POST (/handles)

Sets the multiplayer session for the user's current activity, and invites session members if required.

This method is used by the 2015 Multiplayer and applies only to that multiplayer version and later. It is intended for use with template contract 104/105 or later, and requires a header element of X-Xbl-Contract-Version: 104/105 or later on every request.


This HTTP/REST method can be used to set the session for current activity. In this case, the method can be wrapped by Microsoft.Xbox.Services.Multiplayer.MultiplayerService.SetActivityAsync. The request body must define the session reference, using the sessionRef object in the JSON file, with the type field to "activity". No response body is retrieved. For definitions of the items specified in a session reference, see Microsoft.Xbox.Services.Multiplayer.MultiplayerSessionReference.

This POST method can also be used to invite users specified by the handles to a session. In this case, the method can be wrapped by Microsoft.Xbox.Services.Multiplayer.MultiplayerService.SendInvitesAsync. This use of the POST method requires your request body to define the session reference, but with the type field set to "invite". The response body is an invite handle.

URI parameters


HTTP status codes

The service returns an HTTP status code as it applies to MPSD.

Request body

Request body for setting activity

  "version": 1,
  "type": "activity",
  "sessionRef": {
    "scid": "bd6c41c3-01c3-468a-a3b5-3e0fe8133862",
    "templateName": "deathmatch",
    // The session name is optional in a POST; if not specified, MPSD fills in a GUID.//
    "name": "session-49"

Request body for sending invites

  // Common handle fields
  "id: "47ca0049-a5ba-4bc1-aa22-fcf834ce4c13",
  "version": 1,
  "type": "invite",
  "sessionRef": {
    "scid": "bd6c41c3-01c3-468a-a3b5-3e0fe8133862",
    "templateName": "deathmatch",
    "name": "session-49"
   "inviteAttributes": {
     "titleId" : {titleId}, // The title being invited to, in decimal uint32. This value is used to find the title name and/or image.
     "context" : {context}, // The title defined context token. Must be 256 characters or less when URI-encoded.
     "contextString" : {contextstring}, // The string name of a custom invite string to display in the invite notification.
     "senderString" : {sender} // The string name of the sender when the sender is a service.
   "invitedXuid": "3210",

Response body

Response body for setting activity


Response body for sending invites

An invite handle.

See also

