GET (/users/me/groups/{moniker} )

Gets the PresenceRecord for my group. The domain for these URIs is


Retrieves the users in the group specified by the moniker related to the user in the claims, and returns the PresenceRecord for those users. Data that is gated by Privacy or Content Isolation will simply not be returned.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
moniker string String defining the group of users. The only accepted moniker at present is "People" with an uppercase 'P'.

Query string parameters

Parameter Type Description
level string Returns the level of detail as specified by this query string. Valid options include "user", "device", "title", and "all".The level "user" is the PresenceRecord object without the DeviceRecord nested object. The level "device" is the PresenceRecord and DeviceRecord objects without the TitleRecord nested object. The level "title" is the PresenceRecord, DeviceRecord, and TitleRecord objects without the ActivityRecord nested object. The level "all" is the entire record, including all nested objects.If this parameter is not provided, the service defaults to the title level (that is, it returns presence for this user down to the details of title).


Authorization claims used Claim Type Required? Example value
Xuid 64-bit signed integer yes 1234567890

Effect of privacy settings on resource

The service will always return 200 OK if the request itself is well-formed. However, it will filter out information from the response when privacy checks do not pass.

Effect of Privacy Settings on Resource Requesting User Target User's Privacy Setting Behavior
me - As described.
friend everyone As described.
friend friends only As described.
friend blocked As described - the service will filter out data.
non-friend user everyone As described.
non-friend user friends only As described - the service will filter out data.
non-friend user blocked As described - the service will filter out data.
third-party site everyone As described - the service will filter out data.
third-party site friends only As described - the service will filter out data.
third-party site blocked As described - the service will filter out data.

Required Request Headers

Header Type Description
Authorization string Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: "XBL3.0 x=<userhash>;<token>".
x-xbl-contract-version string Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Example values: 3, vnext.
Accept string Content-Types that are acceptable. The only one Presence supports is application/json, but it still must be specified in the header.
Accept-Language string Acceptable locale for strings in the response. Example value: en-US.
Host string Domain name of the server. Example value:

Optional Request Headers

Header Type Description
X-RequestedServiceVersion Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Default value: 1.

Request body

No objects are sent in the body of this request.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Reason phrase Description
200 OK The session was successfully retrieved.
400 Bad Request Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication.
403 Forbidden The request is not allowed for the user or service.
404 Not Found The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed HTTP method was used on an unsupported content type.
406 Not Acceptable Resource version is not supported.
500 Request Timeout Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.
503 Request Timeout Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.

Required Response Headers

Header Type Description
x-xbl-contract-version string Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Example values: 1, vnext.
Content-Type string The mime type of the body of the request. Example value: application/json.
Cache-Control string Polite request to specify caching behavior. Example values: "no-cache".
X-XblCorrelationId string Service-generated value to correlate what the server returns and what is received by the client. Example value: "4106d0bc-1cb3-47bd-83fd-57d041c6febe".
X-Content-Type-Option string Returns the SDL-compliant value. Example value: "nosniff".
Date string The date/time the message was sent. Example value: "Tue, 17 Nov 2012 10:33:31 GMT".

Optional Response Headers

Header Type Description
Retry-After string Returned on 503 HTTP errors. Lets client know how long to wait before retrying the call. Example values: "120".
Content-Length string Length of response body. Example value: "527".
Content-Encoding string Encoding type of the response. Example value: "gzip".

Response body

This API returns an array of PresenceRecord objects, one for each of the XUIDs from the request.

Sample response

                         name:"Contoso 5",
                             richPresence:"Playing on Nirvana"
                         name:"Contoso Waypoint",
                             richPresence:"Viewing stats"
                         name:"Contoso Gamehelp",
                             richPresence:"Viewing help"

See also

