POST /users/xuid(xuid)/lists/PINS/{listname}/ContainsItems

Determines whether a list contains a set of items (specified by itemId) without retrieving the entire list. The domain for these URIs is


This endpoint allows the caller to determine if one or more items exist in the specified list without actually getting the list and searching for itself. The set of items are identified by itemId (or provider/providerId combo) and the return data is the data passed in with a Boolean of true or false ndicating whether the list contains each item.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
XUID string XUID of the user.
listname string Name of the list to manipulate.

Query string parameters

Query parameters are not supported.

Request body

  [{"ItemId":  "ed591a0c-dde3-563f-99af-530278a3c402",
    "ProviderId":  null,
    "Provider": null


HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Reason phrase Description
200 OK The request completed successfully. The response body should contain the requested resource (for a GET). POST and PUT requests will receive up-to-date list metadata (list version, count, etc.).
201 Created A new list has been created. This is returned on the initial insert to a list. The response includes up-to-date metadata on the list and the location header contains the URI for the list.
304 Not Modified Returned on GETs. Indicates that the client has the latest version of the list. The service compares the value in the If-Match header to the list version. If they are equal, then a 304 gets returned with no data.
400 Bad Request The request was malformed. Could be an invalid value or type for a URI or query string parameter. Can also be the result of a missing required parameter or data value, or the request indicated a missing or invalid version of the API. See the X-XBL-Contract-Version header.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication.
403 Forbidden The request is not allowed for the user or service.
404 Not Found The caller does not have access to the resource. This indicates that no such list has been created.
412 Precondition Failed Indicates that the version of the list has changed and a modify request has failed. A modify request is an insert, update, or remove. The service checks the If-Match header for the list version. If it does not match the current version of the list, then the operation fails and this is returned along with the current list metadata (which includes the current version).
500 Internal Server Error The service is refusing the request due to a server-side error.
501 Not Implemented The caller requested a URI that has not been implemented on the server. (Currently only used when a request is made for a list name that is not allow listed.)
503 Service Unavailable The server is refusing the request, usually due to excessive load. After a delay (see the Retry-after header), the request can be retried.

Required Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization Contains the STS token used to authenticate and authorize the request. Must be a token from XSTS service and include the XUID as one of the claims.
X-XBL-Contract-Version Specifies which API version is being requested (positive integers). Pins supports version 2. If this header is missing or the value is not supported then the service will return a 400 - Bad request with "Unsupported or missing contract version header" in the status description.
Content-Type Specifies whether the content of request/response bodies will be in json or xml. Supported values are "application/json" and "application/xml"
If-Match This header must contain the current version number of a list when making modify requests. Modify requests use PUT, POST, or DELETE verbs. If the version in the "If-Match" header does not match the current version of the list, the request will be rejected with an HTTP 412 - precondition failed return code. (optional) Can also be used for GETs, if present and the passed in version matches the current list version then no list data and an HTTP 304 - Not Modified code will be returned.

Response body

If the call is successful, the list of items is returned, along with a boolean for each item specifying whether the item is in the list or not.

Sample response

  [{"Contained": "true",
   {"ItemId":  "ed591a0c-dde3-563f-99af-530278a3c402",
    "ProviderId": null,
    "Provider": null


See also


Universal Resource Identifier (URI) Reference