GET (/users/xuid({xuid})/scids/{scid}/stats/{statname)/people/{all|favorite})

Returns a social leaderboard by ranking the stat values (scores) for either all known contacts of the current user or only those contacts designated as favorite people by that user. The domain for these URIs is


Leaderboard APIs are all read-only and therefore only support the GET verb (over HTTPS). They reflect ranked and sorted "pages" of indexed player stats that are derived from individual user stats that were written via the Player Data system. Full leaderboard indexes can be quite large, and callers will never ask to see one in its entirety, therefore this URI supports several query string arguments that allow a caller to be specific about what kind of view it wants to see against that leaderboard.

GET operations won't modify any resources so this will produce the same results if executed once or multiple times.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
xuid string Identifier of the user.
scid string Identifier of the service configuration that contains the resource being accessed.
statname string Unique identifier of the user stat resource being accessed.
all or favorite enumeration Whether to rank the stat values (scores) for all known contacts of the current user or only those contacts designated as favorite people by that user.

Query string parameters

Parameter Type Description
maxItems 32-bit unsigned integer Maximum number of leaderboard records to return in a page of results. If not specified, a default number will be returned (10). The max value for maxItems is still undefined, but we want to avoid large data sets, so this value should probably target the largest set that a tuner UI could handle per call.
skipToRank 32-bit unsigned integer Return a page of results starting with the specified leaderboard rank. The rest of the results will be in sort order by rank. This query string can return a continuation token which can be fed back into a subsequent query to get "the next page" of results.
skipToUser string Return a page of leaderboard results around the specified gamer xuid, regardless of that user's rank or score. The page will be ordered by percentile rank with the specified user in the last position of the page for predefined views, or in the middle for stat leaderboard views. There is no continuationToken provided for this type of query.
continuationToken string If a previous call returned a continuationToken, then the caller can pass back that token "as is" in a query string to get the next page of results.
sort string Specify whether to rank the list of players from low-to-high value order ("ascending") or high-to-low value order ("descending"). This is an optional parameter; the default is descending order.


Xuid authorization is required.

Authorization logic is implemented for the purposes of content isolation and access control scenarios.

Both leaderboards and user stats can be read from clients on any platform, provided that the caller submits a valid XSTS token with their request. Writes are (obviously) limited to clients supported by the Player Data system.

Title developers can mark statistics as open or restricted with Partner Center. Leaderboards are open statistics. Open statistics can be accessed by Smartglass, as well as iOS, Android, Windows, Windows Phone, and web applications, as long as the user is authorized to the sandbox. User authorization to a sandbox is managed through Partner Center.

Required Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization String. Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: "XBL3.0 x=<userhash>;<token>".
Content-Type String. The MIME type of the request body. Example value: "application/json".
X-RequestedServiceVersion Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Default value: 1.
Accept String. Acceptable Content-Type values. Example value: "application/json".

Optional Request Headers

Header Description
If-None-Match String. Entity tag - used if client supports caching. Example value: "686897696a7c876b7e".

Request body

To maximize the ability of any caller to understand the data it's getting back for proper display, each stat value for each user will be returned as a string in the format in which it should be displayed, and formatted to match the locale specified in the accept-language header in the request. A localized "display name" will also be returned for statname for that leaderboard.

Required members

Member Type Description
pagingInfo section Optional. Returned when the rank of the last entry in the page is lower than totalItems. This section is also not returned when skipToUser is specified in the request.
continuationToken string Required. Specifies what value to feed back into the "continuationToken" query parameter to get next page of results for that URI if desired. If no pagingInfo is returned then there is no "next page" of data to be obtained.
totalItems 64-bit unsigned integer Required. Total number of entries in the leaderboard.
leaderboardInfo section Required. Always returned. Contains the metadata about the leaderboard requested.
displayName string Required. Localized display name for the predefined leaderboard. Example value: "Total flags captured".
totalCount string Required. Total number of entries in the leaderboard.
columns array Required.
displayName string Required. Corresponds to a column in the leaderboard.
statName string Required. Corresponds to a column in the leaderboard.
type string Required. Corresponds to a column in the leaderboard.
userList section Required. Always returned. Contains the actual user scores for the leaderboard requested.
gamertag string Required. Corresponds to the user in the leaderboard entry.
xuid 32-bit signed integer Required. Corresponds to the user in the leaderboard entry.
percentile string Required. Corresponds to the user in the leaderboard entry.
rank string Required. Corresponds to the user in the leaderboard entry.
values array Required. Each comma-separated value corresponds to a column in the leaderboard.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Reason phrase Description
200 OK The session was successfully retrieved.
304 Not Modified
400 Bad Request Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication.
403 Forbidden The request is not allowed for the user or service.
404 Not Found The specified resource could not be found.
406 Not Acceptable Resource version is not supported; should be rejected by the MVC layer.
408 Request Timeout Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.

Required Response Headers

Header Type Description
Content-Type string The mime type of the body of the response. Example values: "application/json".
Content-Length string The number of bytes being sent in the response. Example value: "232".

Optional Response Headers

Header Type Description
ETag string Used for cache optimization. Example value: "686897696a7c876b7e".

Response body

Request for social leaderboard, no paging:

Sample response

    "pagingInfo": null,
    "leaderboardInfo": {
        "displayName": "Kills",
        "totalCount": 3,
        "columns": [
                "displayName": "Kills",
                "statName": "enemydefeats",
                "type": "integer"
    "userList": [
            "values": [
            "values": [
            "values": [

See also

