
Gets the HTTP retry delay in seconds. The default and minimum delay is 2 seconds.


HRESULT HCHttpCallRequestGetRetryDelay(  
         HCCallHandle call,  
         uint32_t* retryDelayInSeconds  


call   _In_opt_
Type: HCCallHandle

The handle of the HTTP call. Pass nullptr to get the default for future calls.

retryDelayInSeconds   _In_
Type: uint32_t*

The retry delay in seconds.

Return value


Result code for this API operation. Possible values are S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or E_FAIL.


Retries are delayed using an exponential back off. By default, it will delay 2 seconds then the next retry will delay 4 seconds, then 8 seconds, and so on up to a max of 1 min until either the call succeeds or the HTTP timeout window is reached, at which point the call will fail. The delay is also jittered between the current and next delay to spread out service load. The default for the HTTP timeout window is 20 seconds and can be changed using HCSettingsSetTimeoutWindow()

If the service returns an HTTP error with a "Retry-After" header, then all future calls to that API will immediately fail with the original error without contacting the service until the "Retry-After" time has been reached.

Idempotent service calls are retried when a network error occurs or the server responds
with one of these HTTP status codes:
408 (Request Timeout)
429 (Too Many Requests)
500 (Internal Server Error)
502 (Bad Gateway)
503 (Service Unavailable)
504 (Gateway Timeout)


Header: httpProvider.h

Library: libHttpClient.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
