XR-046: Display Name and Gamerpic *

Version 2.0, 10/01/2024

On Xbox consoles, titles must use the gamertag as their primary display name.

Based on design choice titles can choose between the player's modern gamertag or their classic gamertag. Modern gamertag is available in the GDK and classic gamertag is available in both ERA and the GDK.

On non-console platforms, while not required, we recommend you use the Xbox network player's gamertag in the appropriate locations within the game title's experience.

The gamertag must be displayed correctly in the title based on the gamertag type used:

Modern Gamertag
Display all 16 characters of the unique modern gamertag, which includes up to 12 characters of the modern gamertag, followed by # and the suffix number (if present). For example: Major Nelson (no suffix present) or Major Nelson#881. If modern gamertags are used, all Unicode character ranges available for modern gamertags must be supported. For more modern gamertag information and best practices visit the GDK development documentation article 'Overview of modern gamertags'.

Classic Gamertag
Correctly display all 15 characters of the classic gamertag. Classic gamertags include only ASCII characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, comma (,), and space (ASCII character 0x20). For example: Major Nelson

In the GDK these items are returned using the XUserGetGamertag API. In ERA the gamertag is obtained using the GetUserProfileAsync API.


Unicode diacritic support required for Thai and Devanagari, both languages supported by Modern Gamertags, frequently cause issues that are not caught until later stages of testing. If attempting to support Modern Gamertags in your game, plan and test for characters in these languages early.

Certification Test Cases

046-01 Display Name and Gamerpic

Tools Needed

  • XblTestAccountGui.exe from the GDK

Create four test accounts for each of the following names and change the gamertag using XblTestAccountGui.exe for each test account to the following:

  • สฐ众нь컴퓨
  • आथाώঙぁヺ
  • øÜêþЯЂў
  • gttest1

Test Steps

  1. Locate and view where gamertags are displayed within the title.
  2. Check to see how the users' gamertag is displayed in all areas identified in Step [1].
  3. If the title displays users' pictures, verify that the correct Microsoft account picture or gamerpic appears for each account.

Expected Result
The user's gamertag must be displayed correctly.

Pass Examples

  1. The gamertag correctly shows the Unicode characters (including the auto-generated suffix) when using Modern Gamertag.
  2. The gamertag is correctly shown when using Classic Gamertag.

Fail Examples

  1. The gamertag is not rendered at all because the Unicode characters are shown as blank characters.
  2. The gamertag is not correctly shown when using Classic Gamertag.