Updating a user's Presence via XSAPI C

This topic provides example code for setting a user's online Presence status. Xbox services Rich Presence provides features for advertising a player's current activity to other players.

For more information, see Rich Presence overview.

Updating a user's online Presence status

This example code sets a user's online Presence status.

Flat C API

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->context = nullptr;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of XAsyncBlock*.
    HRESULT hr = XAsyncGetStatus(asyncBlock, false);

HRESULT hr = XblPresenceSetPresenceAsync(xboxLiveContext, true, nullptr, asyncBlock.get());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* because the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete XAsyncBlock*.

For more information, see the following:

Updating Rich Presence status

Flat C API

XblPresenceRichPresenceIds ids{};
pal::strcpy(ids.scid, sizeof(ids.scid), scid);
ids.presenceId = "playingMap";
std::vector<const char*> tokenIds{ "CurrentMap" };
ids.presenceTokenIds = tokenIds.data();
ids.presenceTokenIdsCount = tokenIds.size();

HRESULT hr = XblPresenceSetPresenceAsync(xboxLiveContext, true, &ids, asyncBlock.get());

For more information, see the following: