Writing title-managed stats

This topic provides example code showing how to write title-managed stats.

Updating only the specified title-managed stats

You can send specified stats that you want to update, by calling XblTitleManagedStatsUpdateStatsAsync, which selectively updates the calling user's stats. A specified stat will only be overwritten if it already exists. Any stats that aren't specified in the call to XblTitleManagedStatsUpdateStatsAsync stay unchanged.


std::vector<XblTitleManagedStatistic> stats{ s_svd->Stats() };
auto stat1 = std::find_if(stats.begin(), stats.end(), [](const XblTitleManagedStatistic& s)
    return std::string{ "AddedStat" } == s.statisticName;

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = Data()->queue;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*
    HRESULT hr = XAsyncGetStatus(asyncBlock, false);

HRESULT hr = XblTitleManagedStatsUpdateStatsAsync(

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* since the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*


Writing all the stats you want to keep, and deleting the rest

To write only the title-managed stats that you want to keep, and delete the rest, call XblTitleManagedStatsWriteAsync with all the stats you want to write. Any stats that are not included in the call will be removed. This call replaces the last stats document on the service with a new stats document that contains only the values you sent.


std::vector<XblTitleManagedStatistic> statList;
statList.push_back(XblTitleManagedStatistic{ "MyStatName1", XblTitleManagedStatType::Number, 200 });
statList.push_back(XblTitleManagedStatistic{ "MyStatName2", XblTitleManagedStatType::String, 0, "SomeValue" });

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->context = nullptr;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*
    HRESULT hr = XAsyncGetStatus(asyncBlock, false);

HRESULT hr = XblTitleManagedStatsWriteAsync(
    statList.data(), statList.size(), 
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* since the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*
