Playbook for Accessible Gaming Events - Supplemental Info

It can be difficult knowing where to start when it comes to tackling your event's accessibility. The checklists below can help with that. Please note, however, that these are not holistic. Instead, they ensure that high priority work items are considered and actioned upon.

Pre-planning Checklist

The following a high-level checklist that can be used when planning your event.

□ Registration website / materials have been checked for accessibility.

□ Registration website / materials have info on accessibility accommodations as well as how to request additional ones.

□ Event website, interactive kiosks and/or applications for attendees verified as accessible.

□ Accommodation and other disability-related signage has been crafted.

□ Accommodation requests from attendees have been reviewed and planned for.

□ Venue confirms it is compliant with local/state/national accessibility regulations and has provided relevant documentation.

□ All social media assets have been made accessible with alt-text, captions, and audio description.

□ Customers have been told ahead of time about available accommodations via social media.

□ Guest dietary restrictions / requirements have been collected and accounted for.

□ Catering staff verified as being available to assist guests with meals.

□ Speakers have been briefed on best practices for accessible presentations.

□ Sign Language Interpreters have been booked.

□ Captioning services have been booked.

□ PowerPoint presentations have been validated as accessible and are ready to be shared to guests.

□ All video assets have been made accessible with sign language, alt-text, captions, and audio description.

□ Demo stations confirmed to meet accessible design requirements.

□ Adaptive controllers, peripherals, and lapboards have been secured.

□ QR codes with short URLs and braille generated for accessibility information at demo stations.

□ Floor designs confirmed with plenty of space for wheelchairs to navigate.

□ Ramps, where necessary, have been secured.

□ Hygiene materials have been secured (hand sanitizer, masks, etc.).

□ Accessible merchandise catalogs created.

□ Staff have been trained on disability etiquette.

□ Staff have been trained on event-specific interactions with members of the disability community.

□ Accessible transportation options have been made available to guests.

Post-event Checklist

The following is a high-level checklist that can be used after your event for follow-up.

□ Surveys sent with questions regarding accessibility of event.

□ Survey feedback collected and documented.

□ Social media sentiment related to accessibility collected and documented.

□ Additional, unsolicited accessibility feedback collected and documented.

□ Staff observations collected and documented.

□ Feedback reviewed for highlights and learnings.

□ Learnings shared with immediate event team for feedback and adjustments.

□ Learnings shared broadly within the organization.