Set up your environment

This article is aimed at developers who are looking to build a workload using the Microsoft Fabric Workload Development Kit. The article guides you through the process of setting up your development environment so that you can start building your workload.

Configure Fabric

To start developing workloads, you need to be granted permissions in the Fabric service. You might need to contact other people in your organization to get the necessary permissions.

Ensure you have admin access on the workspace you plan to work with

To begin development and connect your local machine to a Fabric workspace, you can either create a new workspace or ask to be added as an admin on an existing one. Developers must have admin permissions on the workspace to register their workload.

Enable the development tenant setting

To begin development, the Capacity admins can develop additional workloads tenant setting needs to be enabled. If you're not an admin on the tenant that has the capacity you're planning to use for development, ask your organization's admin to enable this setting.

To enable the Capacity admins can develop additional workloads tenant setting, follow these steps:

  1. In Fabric, go to Settings > Admin portal.

  2. In the tenant settings, go to the Additional workloads section.

  3. Enable the Capacity admins can develop additional workloads tenant setting.

Enable developer mode

After the Capacity admins can develop additional workloads tenant setting is enabled, you need to enable the Fabric Developer Mode setting.

  1. In Fabric, go to Settings > Developer settings.

  2. Enable the Fabric Developer Mode setting.

Required tools

Download and install these tools before you start developing your workload.

  • Git - A distributed version control system that we use to manage and track project changes.

  • npm - The default package manager for Node.js, which is used to manage and share the packages that you use in your project.

  • Node.js - An open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Used to run the server-side JavaScript code.

  • Webpack - A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It helps to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser.

  • Webpack CLI - A command line interface for Webpack.

  • DevGateway - A workload development component for communicating between your on-premises workload development box and Fabric.