Query logs
The query logs table contains the list of queries run on an Eventhouse KQL database, which is part of Real-Time Intelligence. For each query, a log event record is stored in the EventhouseQueryLogs table.
query logs table
Use query logs to:
- Analyze query performance and trends.
- Troubleshoot slow queries.
- Identify heavy queries consuming large amount of system resources.
- Identify the users/applications running the highest number of queries.
The following table describes the columns stored in the EventhouseQueryLogs table:
Column Name | Type | Description |
CacheColdHitsBytes | long | The amount of cold storage data that was available for the query in cold cache due to data prefetching. |
CacheColdMissesBytes | long | The amount of cold storage data that wasn't available for the query in cold cache. |
CacheHotHitsBytes | long | The amount of data that was available for the query in hot cache. The amount of data stored in hot cache is defined by the database or table caching policy. |
CacheHotMissesBytes | long | The amount of data that wasn't available for the query in hot cache. |
CapacityId | string | The Fabric capacity identifier. |
ComponentFault | string | In the event of a query error, the component where the fault occurred. Valid values: Server and Client . If the query result set is too large, the value is Client . If an internal error occurred, the value is Server . |
CorrelationId | string | The correlation identifier of the query. The value can include components of other items participating in the query, such as the semantic model of the report running the query. |
CpuTimeMs | long | The total CPU time (ms) used by the query. |
CustomerTenantId | string | The customer tenant identifier. |
DatabaseId | string | The database unique identifier. |
DatabaseName | string | The name of the database. |
DurationMs | long | The duration of the query (ms). |
ExtentsMaxScannedTime | datetime | The maximum data scan time. |
ExtentsMinScannedTime | datetime | The minimum data scan time. |
FailureReason | string | The reason the query failed. |
Identity | dynamic | The identity of the user or application that ran the query. |
ItemId | string | The identifier of the Fabric Eventhouse item. |
ItemKind | string | The type of Fabric item. Valid values: Eventhouse . |
ItemName | string | The name of the Fabric Eventhouse item. |
Level | string | Not applicable. |
MemoryPeakBytes | long | The peak memory consumption of the query. |
OperationEndTime | datetime | The time (UTC) the operation ended. |
OperationId | string | The unique query log identifier. |
OperationStartTime | datetime | The time (UTC) the operation started. |
QueryText | string | The text of the query. |
Region | string | The region where the Fabric KQL database is located. |
ResultTableCount | int | The number of tables used by the query. |
ResultTableStatistics | string | The detailed statistics of the tables used by the query. |
ScannedExtentsCount | long | The number of extents scanned by the query. A high number might indicate the cause of a query latency issue. |
ScannedRowsCount | long | The number of rows scanned by the query. A high number might indicate the cause of a query latency issue. |
SourceApplication | string | The name of the source application that ran the query. |
Status | string | The completion status of the query. |
Timestamp | datetime | The time (UTC) the event was generated. |
TotalExtentsCount | long | The total number of extents in the result set. |
TotalRowsCount | long | The total number of rows in the result set. |
WorkspaceId | string | The identifier of the workspace. |
WorkspaceMonitoringTableName | string | The name of the workspace monitoring table. Valid values: EventhouseQueryLogs . |
WorkspaceName | string | The name of the workspace. |
Sample queries
You can find sample queries in the fabric-samples GitHub repository.