Function Mappings of the SQLite EF Core Provider

This page shows which .NET members are translated into which SQL functions when using the SQLite provider.

Aggregate functions

.NET SQL Added in
group.Average(x => x.Property) AVG(Property)
group.Average(x => x.DecimalProperty) ef_avg(DecimalProperty) EF Core 9.0
group.Count() COUNT(*)
group.LongCount() COUNT(*)
group.Max(x => x.Property) MAX(Property)
group.Min(x => x.Property) MIN(Property)
group.Sum(x => x.Property) SUM(Property)
group.Sum(x => x.DecimalProperty) ef_sum(DecimalProperty) EF Core 9.0
string.Concat(group.Select(x => x.Property)) group_concat(Property, '') EF Core 7.0
string.Join(separator, group.Select(x => x.Property)) group_concat(Property, @separator) EF Core 7.0

Binary functions

.NET SQL Added in
bytes.Contains(value) instr(@bytes, char(@value)) > 0
bytes.Length length(@bytes)
bytes.SequenceEqual(second) @bytes = @second
EF.Functions.Hex(bytes) hex(@bytes)
EF.Functions.Substr(bytes, startIndex) substr(@bytes, @startIndex)
EF.Functions.Substr(bytes, startIndex, length) substr(@bytes, @startIndex, @length)
EF.Functions.Unhex(value) unhex(@value) EF Core 8.0
EF.Functions.Unhex(value, ignoreChars) unhex(@value, @ignoreChars) EF Core 8.0

Conversion functions

boolValue.ToString() CAST(@boolValue AS TEXT)
byteValue.ToString() CAST(@byteValue AS TEXT)
bytes.ToString() CAST(@bytes AS TEXT)
charValue.ToString() CAST(@charValue AS TEXT)
dateTime.ToString() CAST(@dateTime AS TEXT)
dateTimeOffset.ToString() CAST(@dateTimeOffset AS TEXT)
decimalValue.ToString() CAST(@decimalValue AS TEXT)
doubleValue.ToString() CAST(@doubleValue AS TEXT)
floatValue.ToString() CAST(@floatValue AS TEXT)
guid.ToString() CAST(@guid AS TEXT)
intValue.ToString() CAST(@intValue AS TEXT)
longValue.ToString() CAST(@longValue AS TEXT)
sbyteValue.ToString() CAST(@sbyteValue AS TEXT)
shortValue.ToString() CAST(@shortValue AS TEXT)
timeSpan.ToString() CAST(@timeSpan AS TEXT)
uintValue.ToString() CAST(@uintValue AS TEXT)
ushortValue.ToString() CAST(@ushortValue AS TEXT)

Date and time functions

.NET SQL Added in
dateOnly.AddDays(value) date(@dateOnly, @value || ' days')
dateOnly.AddMonths(months) date(@dateOnly, @months || ' months')
dateOnly.AddYears(value) date(@dateOnly, @value || ' years')
dateOnly.Day strftime('%d', @dateOnly)
dateOnly.DayOfWeek strftime('%w', @dateOnly)
dateOnly.DayOfYear strftime('%j', @dateOnly)
DateOnly.FromDateTime(dateTime) date(@dateTime) EF Core 8.0
dateOnly.Month strftime('%m', @dateOnly)
dateOnly.Year strftime('%Y', @dateOnly)
DateTime.Now datetime('now', 'localtime')
DateTime.Today datetime('now', 'localtime', 'start of day')
DateTime.UtcNow datetime('now')
dateTime.AddDays(value) datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' days')
dateTime.AddHours(value) datetime(@dateTime, @d || ' hours')
dateTime.AddMilliseconds(value) datetime(@dateTime, (@value / 1000.0) || ' seconds')
dateTime.AddMinutes(value) datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' minutes')
dateTime.AddMonths(months) datetime(@dateTime, @months || ' months')
dateTime.AddSeconds(value) datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' seconds')
dateTime.AddTicks(value) datetime(@dateTime, (@value / 10000000.0) || ' seconds')
dateTime.AddYears(value) datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' years')
dateTime.Date datetime(@dateTime, 'start of day')
dateTime.Day strftime('%d', @dateTime)
dateTime.DayOfWeek strftime('%w', @dateTime)
dateTime.DayOfYear strftime('%j', @dateTime)
dateTime.Hour strftime('%H', @dateTime)
dateTime.Millisecond (strftime('%f', @dateTime) * 1000) % 1000
dateTime.Minute strftime('%M', @dateTime)
dateTime.Month strftime('%m', @dateTime)
dateTime.Second strftime('%S', @dateTime)
dateTime.Ticks (julianday(@dateTime) - julianday('0001-01-01 00:00:00')) * 864000000000
dateTime.TimeOfDay time(@dateTime)
dateTime.Year strftime('%Y', @dateTime)


Some SQL has been simplified for illustration purposes. The actual SQL is more complex to handle a wider range of values.

Numeric functions

.NET SQL Added in
-decimalValue ef_negate(@decimalValue)
decimalValue - d ef_add(@decimalValue, ef_negate(@d))
decimalValue * d ef_multiply(@decimalValue, @d)
decimalValue / d ef_divide(@decimalValue, @d)
decimalValue % d ef_mod(@decimalValue, @d)
decimalValue + d ef_add(@decimalValue, @d)
decimalValue < d ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d) < 0
decimalValue <= d ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d) <= 0
decimalValue > d ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d) > 0
decimalValue >= d ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d) >= 0
double.DegreesToRadians(degrees) radians(@degrees) EF Core 8.0
double.RadiansToDegrees(radians) degrees(@dradians) EF Core 8.0
doubleValue % d mod(@doubleValue, @d)
EF.Functions.Random() abs(random() / 9223372036854780000.0)
Math.Abs(value) abs(@value)
Math.Acos(value) acos(@value) EF Core 8.0
Math.Acosh(d) acosh(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Asin(d) asin(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Asinh(d) asinh(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Atan(d) atan(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Atan2(y, x) atan2(@y, @x) EF Core 8.0
Math.Atanh(d) atanh(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Ceiling(d) ceiling(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Cos(d) cos(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Cosh(value) cosh(@value) EF Core 8.0
Math.Exp(d) exp(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Floor(d) floor(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Log(d) ln(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Log(a, newBase) log(@newBase, @a) EF Core 8.0
Math.Log2(x) log2(@x) EF Core 8.0
Math.Log10(d) log10(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Max(val1, val2) max(@val1, @val2)
Math.Min(val1, val2) min(@val1, @val2)
Math.Pow(x, y) pow(@x, @y) EF Core 8.0
Math.Round(d) round(@d)
Math.Round(d, digits) round(@d, @digits)
Math.Sign(d) sign(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Sin(a) sin(@a) EF Core 8.0
Math.Sinh(value) sinh(@value) EF Core 8.0
Math.Sqrt(d) sqrt(@d) EF Core 8.0
Math.Tan(a) tan(@a) EF Core 8.0
Math.Tanh(value) tanh(@value) EF Core 8.0
Math.Truncate(d) trunc(@d) EF Core 8.0


In addition to the methods listed here, corresponding generic math implementations and MathF methods are also translated. For example, Math.Sin, MathF.Sin, double.Sin, and float.Sin all map to the sin function in SQL.


SQL functions prefixed with ef are created by EF Core.

String functions

char.ToLower(c) lower(@c)
char.ToUpper(c) upper(@c)
EF.Functions.Collate(operand, collation) @operand COLLATE @collation
EF.Functions.Glob(matchExpression, pattern) @matchExpression GLOB @pattern
EF.Functions.Like(matchExpression, pattern) @matchExpression LIKE @pattern
EF.Functions.Like(matchExpression, pattern, escapeCharacter) @matchExpression LIKE @pattern ESCAPE @escapeCharacter
Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern) @input REGEXP @pattern
string.Compare(strA, strB) CASE WHEN @strA = @strB THEN 0 ... END
string.Concat(str0, str1) @str0 || @str1
string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) @value IS NULL OR @value = ''
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) @value IS NULL OR trim(@value) = ''
stringValue.CompareTo(strB) CASE WHEN @stringValue = @strB THEN 0 ... END
stringValue.Contains(value) instr(@stringValue, @value) > 0
stringValue.EndsWith(value) @stringValue LIKE '%' || @value
stringValue.FirstOrDefault() substr(@stringValue, 1, 1)
stringValue.IndexOf(value) instr(@stringValue, @value) - 1
stringValue.LastOrDefault() substr(@stringValue, length(@stringValue), 1)
stringValue.Length length(@stringValue)
stringValue.Replace(oldValue, newValue) replace(@stringValue, @oldValue, @newValue)
stringValue.StartsWith(value) @stringValue LIKE @value || '%'
stringValue.Substring(startIndex) substr(@stringValue, @startIndex + 1)
stringValue.Substring(startIndex, length) substr(@stringValue, @startIndex + 1, @length)
stringValue.ToLower() lower(@stringValue)
stringValue.ToUpper() upper(@stringValue)
stringValue.Trim() trim(@stringValue)
stringValue.Trim(trimChar) trim(@stringValue, @trimChar)
stringValue.TrimEnd() rtrim(@stringValue)
stringValue.TrimEnd(trimChar) rtrim(@stringValue, @trimChar)
stringValue.TrimStart() ltrim(@stringValue)
stringValue.TrimStart(trimChar) ltrim(@stringValue, @trimChar)


Some SQL has been simplified for illustration purposes. The actual SQL is more complex to handle a wider range of values.

Miscellaneous functions

collection.Contains(item) @item IN @collection
enumValue.HasFlag(flag) @enumValue & @flag = @flag
nullable.GetValueOrDefault() coalesce(@nullable, 0)
nullable.GetValueOrDefault(defaultValue) coalesce(@nullable, @defaultValue)

See also