Combine service orders

When you create service order lines automatically on the Service agreements page, you can choose one of the following options to specify how you want to group them:

  • By service agreement
  • By service task
  • By employee
  • By service object


You create a service agreement that has a start date on 03-31-2007. In the Combine service orders field, you specify By service object. You then create the following service agreement lines:

Agreement line number Transaction type Description Interval Service object Start date
1 Hour SAL1 Weekly X-1 04-01-2007
2 Hour SAL2 Biweekly X-2 04-01-2007
3 Hour SAL3 Weekly X-2 04-01-2007

You don't specify time windows for any of the service agreement lines. Therefore, the service order lines won't move from the calculated day on which they fall.

Next, you generate service order lines from the Create service orders page from 04-01-2007 until 04-30-2007.

In total, 10 service orders are created. Because the combined setting that you selected was By service object, all service orders that are created have only service order lines with one specific service object. Service order lines that are generated from the service agreement and have the same service date and object are combined on the same service order.


In this example, the calendar that is specified on the Service management parameters page has no closed days.

Additional grouping of service order lines into service orders occurs according to any time window that you specify on the service agreement lines.