Cancel service orders

You can cancel a service order or service order line from the service order itself, or you can cancel multiple service orders by running a periodic job.


Service orders cannot be canceled if the stage of the service order does not allow cancellation, if the service order has item requirements, or if the service order has already been posted.

Cancel a service order on the Service orders page

  1. Go to Service management > Service orders > Service orders.
  2. Select the service order.
  3. On the Action Pane, open the Service order tab and select Cancel order.

Cancel a service order line

  1. Go to Service management > Service orders > Service orders.
  2. Open the service order that contains the line you want to cancel.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, select the service order line that you want to cancel.
  4. On the Lines FastTab toolbar, select Cancel order line to change the status of the line to Canceled.


To reverse the cancellation of a service order line and change the status back to Created, select Revoke cancel on the toolbar.

Cancel or uncancel multiple service orders

  1. Go to Service management > Perform periodic tasks > Service orders > Cancel service orders.
  2. Make the following settings on the Parameters FastTab:
    • Show Infolog – Set to Yes to generate an Action center message that lists the canceled or uncanceled service orders.
    • Revoke cancel – Set to No to cancel the selected service orders (already Canceled orders aren't affected). Set to Yes to uncancel the selected service orders (In process orders aren't affected).
  3. Select Filter.
  4. In the Inquiry dialog, on the Range tab, set the criteria to select the service orders that you want to cancel or uncancel.
  5. Select OK to close the Inquiry dialog.
  6. Select OK.

The selected service orders are either canceled or uncanceled. Uncanceled orders have their Canceled status reversed to In process.