Synchronize contracts

This article describes the scenarios, data entities, and integration methods that are available for the synchronization of contracts and related purchase agreements from an external contract lifecycle management (CLM) system to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. The integration process establishes a workflow that transfers contracts and related purchase agreements from the CLM system to Supply Chain Management. The CLM system is assumed to function as the master system for managing contracts.

Access the data integration APIs

Learn which data integration APIs are available in Data integration APIs. There, you can also learn how to enable change tracking, and how to authenticate with Supply Chain Management so that your CLM system can access the data entities that are described in this article.


Supply Chain Management supports the following integration scenarios:

  • Create a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • Create a purchase contract
  • Create a contract amendment

This section outlines each scenario and provides a process diagram for it.

Create an NDA

NDAs are independent contracts that aren't related to any document in Supply Chain Management. The integration points involve creating the contract and updating its status after it's approved and signed.

The following illustration shows how NDAs are created and synced between systems.

Diagram that shows the process for creating NDAs and syncing them between systems.

Create a purchase contract

Purchase contracts are contracts that are associated with a purchase agreement in Supply Chain Management. The integration points include creating the contract, validating the purchase agreement, submitting it for approval and signing, updating the contract's status after it's approved and signed, and eventually creating the purchase agreement.

The following illustration shows how purchase contracts are created and synced between systems.

Diagram that shows the process for creating purchase contracts and syncing them between systems.

Amend a contract

Purchase contract amendments and NDA amendments are documents that change the terms of an existing agreement. The integration points include updating the contract with amendment information, validating the purchase agreement, submitting it for approval and signing, updating the contract's status after it's approved and signed, and eventually updating the purchase agreement. In Supply Chain Management, the amendment information is updated in the same contract and purchase agreement record.

The following illustration shows how contract amendments are created and synced between systems.

Diagram that shows the process for creating contract amendments and syncing between systems.

Available data entities for syncing contracts and purchase agreements

Supply Chain Management offers several out-of-box data entities that external CLM systems can use to sync contract data. The following table describes the available data entities that are required for the synchronization of contracts and purchase agreements.

Entity Target entity Public name (OData) Company-specific Direction
CLM integration contract CLMIntegrationContractEntity CLMIntegrationContracts Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management
CLM integration purchase agreements CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreementHeaderEntity CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreements Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management
CLM integration purchase agreement lines CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreementLineEntity CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreementLines Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management


Company-specific data entities include the dataAreaId field, which indicates the legal entity that a record belongs to. Your CLM system must adopt the same behavior to support both company-specific records and cross-company records. Learn more about cross-company behavior in Cross-company behavior of data entities.

The following illustration shows how contracts and purchase agreements are integrated and synced.

Diagram that shows the integration of contracts and purchase agreements.

Contract entity

The CLM integration contract entity provides information about the contract. The following table describes its properties.

Physical name Property Type Description
ContractId (entity key) Contract ID String The contract identifier in the CLM system.
LegalEntityId (entity key) Legal entity ID String The legal entity ID.
ExternalContractId External contract ID String The internal, system-generated contract identifier in the CLM system.
ContractType Contract type String The contract type name reference.
ContractStatus Contract status Enum The contract status. The possible values are Draft, WaitingForApproval, Approved, Rejected, WaitingForSignatures, WaitingForExternalSignatures, WaitingForInternalSignatures, Executed, Terminated, Expired, OnHold, Cancelled, WaitingForReview, and Reviewed.
ContractName Contract title String The contract title.
EffectiveDate Effective date Date The effective date.
ExpirationDate Expiration date Date The expiration date.
RequesterWorkerName Requester name String

The name of the requester worker.

If the specified worker name isn't found in the system, the RequesterWorkerEmail field is used to identify the worker.

RequesterWorkerEmail Requester email String The email address of the requester worker.
AccountType Account type Enum A value that determines the type of contracting party. The possible values are Vend, Cust, and Party.
AccountRelationId Account number String The contracting account identifier that corresponds to the specified account type.
PartyNumber Party ID String The party number in the global address book.
ContactPersonId Contact person ID String The contact person ID.
LatestAmendmentId Latest amendment ID String The latest amendment identifier in the CLM system.
LatestExternalAmendmentId Latest amendment external ID String able The internal, system-generated latest amendment identifier in the CLM system.
AmendmentInProcess Amendment in process Enum A value that indicates whether amendment is in progress. The possible values are Yes and No.

The following example shows a request query for the CLM integration contract entity.

GET https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationContracts

The following example shows a response to the preceding query.

    "ContractId": "C00001",
    "LegalEntityId": "USMF",
    "ExternalContractId": "EXTC00001",
    "ContractType": "NDA",
    "ContractStatus": "Draft",
    "ContractName": "Non-disclosure agreement",
    "EffectiveDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "RequesterWorkerEmail": "",
    "RequesterWorkerName": "Julia Funderburk",
    "AccountType": "Vend",
    "AccountRelationId": "1001",
    "PartyNumber": "000001745",
    "ContactPersonId": "",
    "LatestAmendmentId": "A00001",
    "LatestExternalAmendmentId": "EXTA00001",
    "AmendmentInProcess": "No"

Purchase agreement header entity

The CLM integration agreement header entity provides information about the purchase agreement header. The following table describes the most common properties of this entity. You might also use other properties, depending on your business requirements.

Physical name Property Type Description
PurchaseAgreementId (entity key) Purchase agreement ID String The purchase agreement identifier from Supply Chain Management.
BuyingLegalEntityId (entity key) Legal entity ID String The legal entity ID.
ExternalContractId External contract ID String The internal, system-generated purchase agreement identifier in the CLM system.
ContractId Contract ID String The contract identifier reference that is used to associate the purchase agreement with the contract.
ContractLegalEntity Contract legal entity ID String The contract legal entity identifier reference that is used to associate the purchase agreement with the contract.
AgreementOwnership Purchase agreement ownership type Enum The ownership type of the purchase agreement. The possible values are SCM and CLM.
AgreementStatus Agreement status Enum The purchase agreement status. The possible values are OnHold, Effective, and Closed.
DocumentTitle Document title String The document title.
PurchaseAgreementClassificationName Purchase agreement classification String The purchase agreement classification name reference.
DefaultEffectiveDate Default effective date Date The default effective date.
DefaultExpirationDate Default expiration date Date The default expiration date.
AgreementVendorAccountNumber Vendor account String The agreement vendor account reference.
InvoiceVendorAccountNumber Invoice account String The invoicing vendor account reference.
VendorReference Vendor reference String The vendor reference.
PrimaryResponsibleWorkerEmail Primary responsible worker email String The email address of the primary responsible worker.
PrimaryResponsibleWorkerName Primary responsible worker name String

The name of the primary responsible worker.

If the specified worker name isn't found in the system, the PrimaryResponsibleWorkerEmail field is used to identify the worker.

SecondaryResponsibleWorkerEmail Secondary responsible worker email String The email address of the secondary responsible worker.
SecondaryResponsibleWorkerName Secondary responsible worker name String

The name of the secondary responsible worker.

If the specified worker name isn't found in the system, the SecondaryResponsibleWorkerEmail field is used to identify the worker.

CashDiscountCode Cash discount String The cash discount.
ContactPersonId Contact person ID String The contact person ID.
CurrencyCode Currency String The currency.
DefaultCommitmentType Default commitment type Enum The default commitment type. The possible values are ProductQuantity, ProductVolume, ProductCategory, and ProductRootCategory.
BuyerGroupId Buyer group ID String The buyer group ID.
ProjectId Project ID String The project ID.
PaymentTermsName Payment terms String The payment terms.

The following example shows a request query for the CLM integration agreement header entity.

GET https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreements

The following example shows a response to the preceding query.

    "PurchaseAgreementId": "000026",
    "BuyingLegalEntityId": "USMF",
    "ExternalContractId": "EXT000026",
    "ContractId": "C00003",
    "ContractLegalEntityId": "USMF",
    "AgreementOwnership": "CLM",
    "AgreementStatus": "Effective",
    "DocumentTitle": "Purchase agreement title",
    "PurchaseAgreementClassificationName": "General purchases",
    "DefaultEffectiveDate": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "DefaultExpirationDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00Z",
    "AgreementVendorAccountNumber": "1001",
    "InvoiceVendorAccountNumber": "1001",
    "VendorReference": "VENREF00001",
    "PrimaryResponsibleWorkerEmail": "",
    "PrimaryResponsibleWorkerName": "Julia Funderburk",
    "SecondaryResponsibleWorkerEmail": "",
    "SecondaryResponsibleWorkerName": "Charlie Carson",
    "CashDiscountCode": "0.5%D10",
    "ContactPersonId": "",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "DefaultCommitmentType": "ProductQuantity",
    "BuyerGroupId": "",
    "ProjectId": "",
    "PaymentTermsName": "Net30"

Purchase agreement line entity

The CLM integration purchase agreement line entity provides information about the purchase agreement line. The following table describes the most common properties of this entity. You might also use other properties, depending on your business requirements.

Physical name Property Type Description
PurchaseAgreementId (entity key) Purchase agreement ID String The purchase agreement identifier reference.
PurchaseAgreementLegalEntityId (entity key) Purchase agreement legal entity ID String The purchase agreement legal entity identifier reference.
LineNumber (entity key) Line number Real The line number.
ExternalContractId External contract ID String The internal, system-generated purchase agreement identifier reference in the CLM system. This field can be used instead of the PurchaseAgreementId field when a record is created.
ExternalContractLineId External contract line ID String The internal, system-generated purchase agreement line identifier in the CLM system.
CommitmentType Commitment type Enum The commitment type. The possible values are ProductQuantity, ProductVolume, ProductCategory, and ProductRootCategory.
CommittedAmount Committed amount Real The committed amount for volume-based commitment types (ProductVolume, ProductCategory, and ProductRootCategory).
CommittedQuantity Committed quantity Real The committed quantity for quantity-based commitment types (ProductQuantity).
EffectiveDate Effective date Date The effective date.
ExpirationDate Expiration date Date The expiration date.
ItemNumber Item number String The item number. This field is required by the ProductQuantity and ProductVolume commitment types.
ProductVariantNumber Product variant number String The product variant number. This field is relevant if the specified product contains product variants.
ProcurementProductCategoryName Procurement category String The procurement category. This field is required by the ProductCategory commitment type.
Price Item price Real The item price. This field is available for the ProductQuantity commitment type.
PriceQuantity Price unit Real The item price unit. This field is available for the ProductQuantity commitment type.
LineDiscountAmount Line discount amount Real The item line discount amount. This field is available for the ProductQuantity commitment type.
LineDiscountPercentage Line discount percentage Real The line discount percentage. This field is available for all commitment types.
MinimumReleaseAmount Minimum release amount Real The minimum release amount.
MaximumReleaseAmount Maximum release amount Real The maximum release amount.
IsCommitmentMaximumEnforced Is max enforced Enum A value that indicates whether a commitment maximum is enforced. The possible values are Yes and No.
IsPriceAndDiscountFixed Is price and discount fixed Enum A value that indicates whether the price and discount are fixed. The possible values are Yes and No.
UnitSymbol Unit of measure String The unit of measure.
ProjectId Project ID String The project ID.
ProjectCategoryId Project category ID String The project category ID.
ProjectActivityNumber Project activity number String The project activity number.
ReceivingSiteId Site String The site.
ReceivingWarehouseId Warehouse String The warehouse.

The following example shows a request query for the CLM integration purchase agreement line entity.

GET https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreementLines

The following example shows a response to the preceding query.

    "PurchaseAgreementId": "000026",
    "PurchaseAgreementLegalEntityId": "USMF",
    "LineNumber": 1,
    "ExternalContractId": "EXT000026",
    "ExternalContractLineId": "EXT000026_1",
    "CommitmentType": "ProductVolume",
    "CommittedAmount": 1100,
    "CommittedQuantity": 0,
    "EffectiveDate": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00Z",
    "ItemNumber": "1000",
    "ProductVariantNumber": "",
    "ProcurementProductCategoryName": "",
    "Price": 0,
    "PriceQuantity": 0,
    "LineDiscountAmount": 0,
    "LineDiscountPercentage": 10,
    "MinimumReleaseAmount": 0,
    "MaximumReleaseAmount": 0,
    "IsCommitmentMaximumEnforced": "No",
    "IsPriceAndDiscountFixed": "No",
    "UnitSymbol": "",
    "ProjectId": "000057",
    "ProjectCategoryId": "ProjItem",
    "ProjectActivityNumber": "",
    "ReceivingSiteId": "",
    "ReceivingWarehouseId": ""

Purchase agreement validation entities

In the scenario for creating and amending purchase contracts, Supply Chain Management provides data entities that are designed for the validation of purchase agreements. These validation entities contain the same list of fields as regular entities, but they don't persist data in the database. Instead, they perform validation and return the result as an exception if a validation error occurs. The following table describes the data entities that are available for the validation of purchase agreements.

Entity Target entity Public name (OData) Validated operations Company-specific Direction
CLM integration validation purchase agreements CLMIntegrationValidationPurchaseAgreementHeaderEntity CLMIntegrationValidationPurchaseAgreements Update Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management
CLM integration validate insert purchase agreement lines CLMIntegrationValidateInsertPurchaseAgreementLineEntity CLMIntegrationValidateInsertPurchaseAgreementLines Insert Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management
CLM integration update, delete validation purchase agreement lines CLMIntegrationValidateUpdateDeletePurchaseAgreementLineEntity CLMIntegrationValidateUpdateDeletePurchaseAgreementLines Update, Delete Yes CLM → Supply Chain Management


As the preceding table shows, each validation entity can validate only specific database operations. No entity for validating purchase agreement insert operations is supported. Therefore, data can be validated only by persisting it through the regular CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreementHeaderEntity entity.

The following APIs create shareable, secured URLs that point to specific pages in Supply Chain Management, such as the vendor, contract, or purchase agreement page. These URLs are also known as deep links.

The APIs enable scenarios such as embedding links directly in an external CLM system. In this way, users can quickly and easily find the specified pages and records just by selecting the link that is generated.

Learn more about deep links in Create shareable, secured URLs (deep links).

This API generates a deep link that opens the page for a specific vendor in Supply Chain Management.

The following example shows a request for a deep link for a vendor.

POST https://[baseURI]/data/VendorsV2/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GenerateVendorDetailFormURL
    "_vendAccount": "1001",
    "_companyId": "USMF"

The following example shows a response to the preceding request.

    "@odata.context": "https://[baseURI]/data/$metadata#Edm.String",
    "value": "https://[baseURI]/?cmp=usmf&prt=initial&mi=display:VendTable&pageType=Details&q=[queryValue]"

This API generates a deep link that opens the page for a specific contract in Supply Chain Management by using the contract ID.

The following example shows a request for a deep link for a contract by contract ID.

POST https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationContracts/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GenerateContractDetailFormURLByContractId
    "_contractId": "C00001",
    "_companyId": "USMF"

The following example shows a response to the preceding request.

    "@odata.context": "https://[baseURI]/data/$metadata#Edm.String",
    "value": "https://[baseURI]/?cmp=usmf&prt=initial&mi=display:CLMIntegrationContractTable&pageType=Details&q=[queryValue]"

This API generates a deep link that opens the page for a specific contract in Supply Chain Management by using the contract's external ID.

The following example shows a request for a deep link for a contract by contract external ID.

POST https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationContracts/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GenerateContractDetailFormURLByExternalContractId
    "_externalContractId": "EXTC00001",
    "_companyId": "USMF"

The following example shows a response to the preceding request.

    "@odata.context": "https://[baseURI]/data/$metadata#Edm.String",
    "value": "https://[baseURI]/?cmp=usmf&prt=initial&mi=display:CLMIntegrationContractTable&pageType=Details&q=[queryValue]"

This API generates a deep link that opens the page for a specific purchase agreement in Supply Chain Management by using the agreement ID.

The following example shows a request for a deep link for a purchase agreement by agreement ID.

POST https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreements/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GenerateAgreementFormURLByAgreementId
    "_agreementId": "000026",
    "_companyId": "USMF"

The following example shows a response to the preceding request.

    "@odata.context": "https://[baseURI]/data/$metadata#Edm.String",
    "value": "https://[baseURI]/?cmp=usmf&prt=initial&mi=display:PurchAgreementDetails&pageType=Details&q=[queryValue]"

This API generates a deep link that opens the page for a specific purchase agreement in Supply Chain Management by using the agreement's external ID.

The following example shows a request for a deep link for a purchase agreement by agreement external ID.

POST https://[baseURI]/data/CLMIntegrationPurchaseAgreements/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GenerateAgreementFormURLByExternalContractId
    "_externalContractId": "EXT000026",
    "_companyId": "USMF"

The following example shows a response to the preceding request.

    "@odata.context": "https://[baseURI]/data/$metadata#Edm.String",
    "value": "https://[baseURI]/?cmp=usmf&prt=initial&mi=display:PurchAgreementDetails&pageType=Details&q=[queryValue]"