Find obsolete product variants

This procedure shows how to find obsolete released products or product variants and how to associate a product lifecycle state to the obsolete products. Prerequisite: You need to define at least one product lifecycle state that is inactive for planning before you can play this task guide.

Run a simulation

  1. Go to Product information management > Periodic tasks > Change lifecycle state for obsolete products.
  2. In the New product lifecycle state field, enter or select a value.
  3. Select Yes in the Run simulation without updating product data field.
  4. In the Exclude products created within this number of days field, enter a number.
  5. In the Exclude products used in transactions (in number of days) field, enter a number.
  6. Expand the Records to include section.
  7. Click Filter.
  8. In the list, mark the selected row.
  9. In the Criteria field, type a value.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click OK.


It is recommended to run the simulation in batch if you expect to search a large number of products. Also, make sure that the simulation is not run during the most active working time of the company.

Review the simulation results

  1. Go to Product information management > Inquiries and reports > Product lifecycle state maintenance history.


On this page, you can review the simulation results and make an assessment of how many products and product variants will be associated with a new product lifecycle state when running the update without simulation.

Run the update of the Product lifecycle state for obsolete products

  1. Close the page.
  2. Go to Product information management > Periodic tasks > Change lifecycle state for obsolete products.
  3. Expand the Records to include section.


Note that the last selection has been saved.

  1. Select No in the Run simulation without updating product data field.
  2. Expand the Run in the background section.


Depending on how many products and product variants are affected, consider running this job in batch. Make sure that you are not running a large update job during the most active working hours in the company.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Go to Product information management > Inquiries and reports > Product lifecycle state maintenance history.


Review the changed released products and product variants.

  1. In the list, find and select the desired record.