Enable and configure advanced export management


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Before you can use advanced export management, your system must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be running Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.36 or later.
  • The feature that's named Advanced export management configuration must be turned on in feature management. As of Supply Chain Management version 10.0.43, this feature is turned on by default.
  • Your Supply Chain Management environment must be linked to a Dataverse environment.

Install the export control app

Follow these steps to install the export control app.

  1. Sign in to Power Platform admin center.
  2. Go to Environments, and select your environment.
  3. On the page for the selected environment, in the Resources section, select Dynamics 365 apps.
  4. In the list of apps, select Dynamics 365 Export Management.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app.

Authentication and authorization

To perform export control checks, the system uses application user calls. Therefore, the checks can be performed regardless of which user is working with the document in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management users don't have to be added to Dataverse, and they don't have to be given extra permissions. To support the service-to-service (S2S) authentication, a Microsoft Entra application must be created for each environment. You must not share or reuse the Microsoft Entra applications across environments.

Register a new Microsoft Entra application in the Azure portal

Follow these steps to create a new Microsoft Entra application.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to Microsoft Entra ID> App registrations.

  3. Select New registration.

  4. On the Register an application page, enter the following information:

    • Name – Enter a unique name.
    • Supported account types – Select Any Microsoft Entra directory (single or multi-tenant).
    • Redirect URI – Leave the field blank.
  5. Select Register.

  6. The page that appears shows details about the new app. Copy the Application (client) ID value to a temporary text file, because you'll need it later.

  7. In the Manage list, select Certificates & secrets.

  8. On the Certificates & secrets page, select New client secret.

  9. In the Add a client secret dialog box, enter a description and an expiration date, and then select Add.

  10. You're returned to the Certificates & secrets page, which now includes a row that contains details about your new client secret. Copy the value in the Value column to a temporary text file, because you'll need it later, and it will be hidden the next time that you open this page.

Grant the application permissions in Power Platform admin center

Follow these steps to grant the application permissions in Power Platform admin center.

  1. Sign in to Power Platform admin center.
  2. Go to Environments, and select your environment.
  3. On the page for the selected environment, in the Access section, under Users, select See all.
  4. On the Users page, select the app users list link.
  5. On the Application users page, on the toolbar, select New app user.
  6. In the Create a new app user dialog box, select Add an app.
  7. In the Add an app from Microsoft Entra dialog box, in the search field, paste the application (client) ID of your new app. (You should have copied this ID when you registered the app in the Azure portal.) Then select your app in the list or results, and select Add.
  8. You're returned to the Create a new app user dialog box. Select your business unit, and then select Edit security roles.
  9. In the Add security roles dialog box, in the Role list, select Export Management application. Then select Save to apply the role.
  10. Select Create to create the new app user.

Enable the functionality and configure the application in Supply Chain Management

Follow these steps to enable the functionality and configure the application in Supply Chain Management.

  1. Sign in to Supply Chain Management.

  2. Go to Product information management > Setup > Product compliance > Country of Origin > Advanced export management configuration.

  3. On the General tab, review and set the following fields:

    • Linked Dataverse environment URL – This read-only field shows the URL of the Dataverse environment that's linked to your Supply Chain Management environment. Your advanced export management jurisdictions, codes, restrictions, exceptions, and licenses are defined in this Dataverse environment.
    • Application ID – Paste the application (client) ID of your new app. (You should have copied this ID when you registered the app in the Azure portal.)
    • Application secret – Paste the client secret of your new app. (You should have copied this secret when you registered the app in the Azure portal.)

    As you enter values into these fields, the system checks whether it can use them to connect to Dataverse and whether the required solution is installed there. The three checkboxes under the Status heading will automatically update to show a checkmark as each test passes. If one or more tests fail, make sure that the advanced export management solution is successfully installed, and that the specified Microsoft Entra application has the Export Management application security role in Dataverse. When all three boxes show a check, continue to the next step.

  4. The following settings appear after all of the tests have passed. Set each option as required.

    • Advanced export management functionality enabled – Set this option to Yes to turn on advanced export management functionality in your system.
    • Validate data in Dataverse – Set this option to Yes to ensure that the system checks all sales orders and shipments against the export rules that are defined in the Dataverse app. The check confirms whether your company is allowed to sell or ship each item on an order, according to the rules that are established for the relevant jurisdiction.
    • Track sales order check history – Set this option to Yes to keep a log of the order check history. Set it to No if you don't need this log.
  5. Select Synchronize country/region list to copy the existing list of country/region codes from Supply Chain Management to the Dataverse solution. This list is used when rules are defined. Each time that you change the country/region code list, you must return to the Advanced export management configuration page and select Synchronize country/region list again to sync the changes. The language of the user who selects this button is used to sync the names of the countries/regions.

You must configure the set of jurisdictions that are available for each legal entity (company). For companies where no jurisdictions are enabled, advanced export management features aren't available on sales orders, items, or products. Instead, simpler dual-use goods functionality is provided. If at least one jurisdiction is enabled for a legal entity, the dual-use goods functionality is hidden on pages in that legal entity, and advanced export management functionality is shown instead.

Follow these steps to configure the jurisdictions for a legal entity.

  1. Sign in to Supply Chain Management.

  2. Use the company picker to select the legal entity that you want to configure.

  3. Go to Product information management > Setup > Product compliance > Country of Origin > Advanced export management configuration.

  4. On the Jurisdictions in use in this company tab, the grid shows the jurisdictions that are enabled for the current legal entity. Initially, the grid is blank. Use the buttons on the toolbar to add or remove jurisdictions as you require.

    Jurisdictions in use.

  5. For each jurisdiction, choose whether that jurisdiction is active and choose whether to skip sales order and/or sales quotation checks for that jurisdiction.

  6. On the Action Pane, select Save.