Analyze behavior of your team on customer calls

Sales calls are one of the most important part of your business as these calls help you to change the shape of your business by improving sales and generating revenue. The Team overview page in conversation intelligence helps sales managers analyze the overall behavior of their team during customer calls. This insight helps in identifying coaching scenarios for the team to increase sales wins and productivity gains for the business.

Analyze your team's behavior

As a sales manager, these KPIs and insights help you to:

  • Assess overall customer sentiments and sentiment trends.

  • Assess your team's contributions toward customer sentiment.

  • Gain insight into what’s going on with your team.

  • Analyze your team's conversational style.

Sign in to the Conversation intelligence app, and select Team Overview.

Conversation intelligence teams overview

KPI/Insights Description
1. Date filter Provides a time period for which you can view your team's call data and insight.
2. Team insights Displays what’s happening in your team and the latest trends. You can view insights such as sellers who are scoring high in customer satisfaction and sellers who might need coaching based on the customer sentiments they are generating and keywords that are trending.
3. Customer sentiment Overall customer sentiment: Specifies the customer sentiment in percentage—positive, negative, or neutral.
Customer sentiment over time: Displays how the three customer sentiments (positive, negative, and neutral) are spanning across the specified timeframe.
Customer sentiment by sales rep: Specifies how each of your sales reps contributed toward generating the overall customer sentiment. Also, shows which sales rep have the highest or lowest contributions.
4. Conversation style Talk to listen ratio: Specifies the average listen and talk ratio of sales reps in conversations with customers.
Talking speed: Displays the average number of words used per minute by sales reps.
Switches per hour: Displays the average switches between a sales rep and customer in a conversation, meaning the number of times the conversation switched from one person to another. This KPI is a sign of engagement during conversations.
Pause before speaking: Displays how many milliseconds the sales rep paused before responding to customer queries; this KPI is a signal of patience by the sales rep.
Longest customer monologue: Displays the longest length of speech without a break by the customer with a sales rep in seconds; this KPI is a signal that sales reps are asking good questions and showing understanding of customer needs.

Can't find the feature in your app?

There are a few possibilities:

  • You don't have the necessary license to use this feature. Check out the comparison table and the licensing guide to see which features are available with your license.
  • You don't have the necessary security role to use this feature.
  • Your administrator hasn't turned on the feature.
  • Your organization is using a custom app. Check with your administrator for exact steps. The steps described in this article are specific to the out-of-the-box Sales Hub and Sales Professional apps.

Overview of conversation intelligence
First-run set up experience
Connect conversation intelligence to an environment
View agent insights in Dynamics 365 Customer Service