Search documents using natural language in document explorer


Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Jul 2025 -

Business value

Dynamics 365 finance and operations offers comprehensive document tracking for the entire business process. For example, in the order-to-cash workflow, key documents include sales agreements, sales orders, packing slips, customer invoices, collection letters, and customer payments. The Document explorer workspace lets users search documents using natural language, view end-to-end document relationships, and display documents across legal entities without needing to switch contexts. These enhanced capabilities offer a more seamless and efficient experience.

Feature details

The new Document explorer workspace enhances document management with these powerful capabilities:

  • Natural language document search.
  • Document search across legal entities.
  • End-to-end document relationship views.

In public preview, the following modules and documents are supported:

  • Accounts Payable: Purchase orders, product receipts, vendor invoices, vendor payments.
  • Accounts Receivable: Sales orders, packing slips, customer invoices, customer payments.
  • Cash and Bank Management: Bank statements.

Document relationship

Document search