Use new reports and demo data for financial reporting

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2024

Business value

New reports are provided as demo data for Business Central. The reports can serve as ready-to-use reports, or as templates you can use to create your own financial reports. In addition, you can generate more demo data to get a better idea of what data the reports display.

Feature details

The list of standard reports for financial reporting is expanded to include five new reports. In addition, a set of five new row definitions and 12 column definitions are provided. You can combine them to create more than 25 new reports.

The following table lists the new reports:

Name Description
TB Trial Balance
BS DET Balance Sheet Detailed
BS SUM Balance Sheet Summary
IS DET Income Statement Detailed
IS SUM Income Statement Summary

The new row definitions have the same names and descriptions as the reports.

The following table lists the new column definitions:

Name Description
BBDRCREB TB Beginning Balance Debits Credits Ending Balance
BSTREND BS 12 Months Balance Trending Current Fiscal Year
CB BS Current Month Balance
CB V PB BS Current Month Balance v Prior Month Balance
CB V SPYB BS Current Month Balance v Same Month Prior Year Balance
CNC IS Current Month Net Change
CNC BUD IS 12 Months Net Change Budget Only
CNC V PNC IS Current Month Net Change v Prior Month Net Change
CNC VSPYNC IS Current Month Net Change v Same Month Prior Year Net Change
CNCVPNCYOY IS Current Month v Prior Month for CY and Current Month v Prior Month for PY
CVC YTDBUD IS Current Month v Budget Year to Date v Budget and Bud Total and Bud Remaining
ISTREND IS 12 Months Net Change Trending Current Fiscal Year


The five reports are ready to use for the US version. For other country versions, you must map the row definitions to your chart of accounts in order for the reports to display any data. Microsoft will work on providing the ready-to-use experience for more country versions in future releases.

Financial reporting demo data - planned to ship in the 25.2 minor release

Financial reporting is at the core of every business, and when evaluating business management applications it's often desirable to view the reporting capabilities as they would look for a running company. You can generate the new demo data by running the Contoso Financial demo data from the Contoso Demo Tool tool page. The data will contain three years of G/L entries, broken down to dimensions with a budget for the current year for variance analysis reporting.

New income statement report with periods

New income statement budget variance report

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