Extend support for multiple tax registration numbers in reports

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 1, 2024 Oct 2, 2024

Business value

A multinational corporation that operates across geographic locations can configure one legal entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance with addresses and related tax registration numbers in different countries. They can report some tax regulatory reports (VAT Declaration, EU Sales List, Intrastat) directly from this legal entity based on tax transactions posted for a specific tax registration number.

Feature details

In a legal entity with the Support multiple VAT registration numbers feature enabled, you can generate VAT Declaration, EU Sales List, and Intrastat reports. A list of supported countries and tax regulatory reports is available at Reporting for multiple VAT registrations.

For 2024 release wave 2, we plan to extend the list of supported countries and tax regulatory reports. We plan to release VAT declaration for Latvia with support of multiple VAT registration numbers.

Additional resources

Reporting for multiple VAT registrations (docs)