Support business events in Business Central connector for Power Automate


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jul 20, 2023 Oct 3, 2023

Business value

During 2023 release wave 1, the new external business events feature was introduced as a preview in the platform, enabling robust and extendable integration scenarios. Adding the same capability directly to the Business Central connector opens up more possibilities for Power Automate flows and Azure Logic Apps to react on events precisely when and how the developer intended.

Feature details

With this release, building flows that react to specific business events in Business Central (version 22.2 and later) is now possible. This feature enables users and makers to hook flows to specific business events raised by Business Central (version 22.2 and later), or even events built by partners who added business event code into their applications.

To support this functionality, we’ve added a Business Central connector trigger called When a business event occurs (preview). The trigger has the following characteristics:

  • It immediately reacts to any business event raised in a selected environment.
  • It reacts to events in a specific named company or in any company in that environment.
  • It provides the creator with more context to build the flow logic upon, like environment, company ID and company name, initiating user ID (which is the Azure AD user ID), and everything included in the specific business event payload.
  • It reacts on multiple events at once, even in parallel, letting Power Automate deal with concurrency.

For more information about business events in Business Central, visit Business events on Business Central

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See also

Business events on Business Central (docs)