Create a work hours template (Project Service)
Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation has evolved into Dynamics 365 Project Operations. For more information, see Project Service Automation Transition.
Applies to Project Service app version 3.x
To create and manage a project, you must apply a calendar template to the project. The calendar template defines the following project attributes:
- Working hours, including start and end time
- Working days
- Calendar exceptions such as non-working days
The calendar template that's applied to a project is a copy of the calendar template defined in your organization’s settings.
If you change the calendar template, those changes don't propagate to the working hours of the project. To change the working hours of the project, a new template must be applied.
To create a calendar template for your organization, there are two key requirements:
- Define the desired working hours of the template using a new or existing bookable resource.
- Create a new calendar template and associate the template with the bookable resource.
Define the working hours of the template
- Go to Resources > Resources.
- Create a new resource to reference in the calendar template, or select an existing resource.
- Select the Work Hours tab of the resource and complete the instructions in Set work hours for a resource to configure the calendar rules.
Create a new calendar template
- Go to Settings > Calendar Template.
- Select New, and enter a name, description, and template resource.
When a resource is referenced in a calendar template, a copy of the resource’s calendar is associated with the calendar template. If the working hours of the copied template change, those changes will not propagate to the calendar template.