Project time budget lines

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing.

This article explains how to create budget lines for the Time transaction class.


The steps that are outlined in this article apply to both cost budget lines and sales budget lines. The Context field of the budget line determines whether you're working with a cost budget line or a sales budget line.

A project budget has budget lines that are a snapshot of the budgeted quantity and amount. Project budget lines can be created under three transaction classes:

  • A Time budget line tracks the recorded and approved time of bookable resources against the project.
  • A Material budget line tracks the consumed materials that are approved against the project.
  • An Expense budget line tracks the approved expenses against the project.


Budget dimensions should be unique across all budget lines. You can't create multiple budget lines that have the same dimensions.

The dimensions that are considered for comparison are defined in the budget line match priority table. For more information, see Budget line match priority.

Create a Time budget line

Prerequisite: A project budget must be created for the project. For more information, see Create and delete project cost budgets or Create and delete project sales budgets.

To create a project budget line for the Time transaction class, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations.
  2. In the left navigation, change the area to Projects.
  3. Select the project to create the Time budget line for. Because a project budget was previously created, the Budget tab should be visible.
  4. Select New Project Budget Line to create a budget line. A quick create dialog box appears. By default, the Transaction class field is set to Time.
  5. Update all the fields in the dialog box according to the table that follows.
  6. When you've finished, select Save & Create New to create another budget line, or select Save & Close to save your changes and close the quick create dialog box.
  7. You can edit budget line fields in the grid on the Budget tab. Changes are saved when you select the Tab key to move to the next line in the grid. Edits can be made only until the budget is submitted for approval.

The following table explains how to set the fields in the quick create dialog box to create a Time budget line.

Field Requirement Description
Context Mandatory Select the type of budget line that you want to create: Cost or Sales.
Transaction Class Mandatory Leave the default value, Time.
Description Optional Enter a description of the budget line. For example, enter Time for design task or Time for foundation activity.
Start Date Mandatory

Specify the start date for the budget line. The specified date must be between the start date and end date of the project. By default, this field is set to the start date of the project.

Together, this field and the End Date field define the period when the actuals of the projects are tracked against the budget line.

End Date Mandatory

Specify the end date for the budget line. The specified date must be between the start date and end date of the project. By default, this field is set to the end date of the project.

Together, this field and the Start Date field define the period when the actuals of the projects are tracked against the budget line.

Task Optional If you want to track the budget against a specific task of the project, select the task. To track the budget against all tasks of the project, leave this field blank.
Role Optional If you want to track the budget against a specific role of the organization, select the role. To track the budget against all roles of the organization, leave this field blank.
Resource Optional If you want to track the budget against a specific bookable resource for the selected task or role, select the resource. If you didn't select a task in the Task field or a role in the Role field, you can select a resource that isn't assigned to any role or a task by selecting Search. To track the budget against all bookable resources, leave this field blank.
Resourcing Unit Optional If you want to track the budget against a specific resourcing unit, select the resourcing unit. If you selected a resource in the Resource field, the resourcing unit that you select must be aligned with the resourcing unit of that resource. If you didn't select a resource, select any resourcing unit that you want to track the budget against. To track the budget against all resourcing units, leave this field blank. By default, this field is blank.
Cost Source Optional Select Internal to track the costs where the cost source is internal. Select External to track the costs from a vendor or subcontractor. To track the costs from any cost source, leave this field blank. By default, this field is blank.
Vendor Name Optional If you selected External in the Cost Source field, select the vendor or subcontractor to track the costs from. To track the costs from any vendor or subcontractor, leave this field blank. By default, this field is blank.
Quantity Optional Specify the quantity to budget for the selected dimensions for time, materials, and expenses. The actual quantity is tracked against the budgeted quantity only if the budget line has a quantity. If the quantity is left blank, only the amount is tracked against the dimensions of the budget line. By default, this field is blank.
Unit Group Optional For the Time transaction class, this field is set to Time for the budget line, and the value can't be changed.
Unit Optional

Select a unit that belongs to the Time unit group.

Note: Only the units from the selected unit group are available for selection.

Unit Price Optional The unit price is the price of single-unit quantities of time, materials, or expenses. To have the unit price from the price list calculated based on the selected dimensions, if it's available in the system, select Save & Close. You can override and update the default unit price if you want to track against a specific unit price.
Currency Mandatory To get the currency from the price list, based on the selected dimensions, select Save & Close. You can update the value to any other currency that you want to budget for. In this case, the currency conversion applies when the system tracks whether the actual currency differs from the budgeted currency for the selected dimensions. By default, this field is set to the organization currency.
Amount Mandatory If you set the Quantity field, the amount is calculated as Quantity × Unit price. If you didn't set the Quantity field, enter the amount to budget against the selected dimensions of the budget line. The value must be a positive nonzero number.
Contingency Optional Enter the contingency amount to add to the budgeted amount. The budget for the selected dimensions is calculated as Amount + Contingency. This field isn't applicable if the Context field is set to Sales.
Budget Mandatory The budget for the budget line for the selected dimensions. This field is automatically set based on the dimensions. The value is calculated as Amount + Contingency.