Use Dynamics 365 Remote Assist to get help in a different HoloLens app


Dynamics 365 Remote Assist customers now have access to Remote Assist in Microsoft Teams mobile. Learn more: Collaborate with other users and Use spatial annotations on Teams.

Having trouble in another HoloLens app? Use Dynamics 365 Remote Assist to show a remote collaborator what’s happening and get help.

  1. Use the Start gesture to leave the 3D view of the app you are having trouble with, but don’t close the 3D app launcher.
  2. Launch Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and call your contact.
  3. Once the video call is connected, use the Start gesture to leave Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, but don't close the 3D app launcher. Your call will remain connected.
  4. Select the 3D app launcher of the app you need help with. Once the app has launched, your contact will be able to see its content and give you guidance.


When you’re done getting help from your contact, return to Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and disconnect the call. Until you do that, the call will stay connected and your contact will see and hear what’s happening on your HoloLens, unless you toggle off Video (as represented by this icon: Graphic of the video icon) or Mute (represented by this icon: Graphic of the microphone icon that mutes the call).