Set up injury and illness information

Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources

Employers have to know when their employees suffer injuries or illness because of hazards in the workplace. You can use the Injury and illness page to set up information that facilitates reporting of work-place injuries or illnesses. You can set up types of injuries and illnesses, including types of treatments, costs, and outcomes. The USMF demo data company was used to create this procedure.

  1. Go to Human resources > Workers > Injury and illness > Injury and illness setup.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Injury or illness type field, enter a value (for example, Fracture).

  4. In the Description field, enter a value (for example, Bone fracture).

  5. Select the Body parts tab.

  6. Select New.

  7. In the Body part field, enter a value (for example, Wrist).

  8. In the Description field, enter a value (for example, Wrist).

  9. Select the Treatment types tab.

  10. Select New.

  11. In the Treatment type field, enter a value (for example, Splint).

  12. In the Description field, enter a value (for example, Put a splint on).

  13. Select the Cost types tab.

  14. Select New.

  15. In the Cost type field, enter a value (for example, X-rays).

  16. In the Description field, enter a value (for example, X-rays).

  17. Select the Outcome types tab.

  18. Select New.

  19. In the Outcome type field, enter a value (for example, Therapy).

  20. In the Description field, enter a value (for example, Physical therapy).

  21. Select the Severity levels tab.

    Customizable severity levels can be created. For example, severity 1 might indicate a minor injury, whereas severity 3 might indicate a severe injury.

  22. Select the Reporting agencies tab.

    Reporting agencies are the agencies that the incident must be reported to. Select the Default checkbox for the agency that is the default agency that injuries and illnesses must be reported to.

  23. Select Save.