Person skill
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Person skill entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_hcmpersonskillentity
This entity describes the skills of a candidate.
JSON representation
"mshr_certifier": "String",
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_levelid": "String",
"mshr_ratinglevelexaminer": "String",
"mshr_skillid": "String",
"mshr_ratingid": "String",
"mshr_leveltype": Int,
"mshr_yearsofexperience": Decimal,
"mshr_verified": Int,
"mshr_leveldate": "Date",
"mshr_primaryfield": "String",
"_mshr_fk_certifier_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_person_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_ratinglevel_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_ratinglevelexaminer_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_skill_id_value": "Guid",
"mshr_hcmpersonskillentityid": "Guid"
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Person Skill Entity ID mshr_hcmpersonskillentityid GUID |
Read-only Required |
System-generated unique identifier for the entity record. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read/write Required |
The ID of the associated party (person) record. |
Person ID Value _mshr_fk_person_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_dirpersonentityid of mshr_dirpersonentity |
The system-generated identifier of the party (person) entity record. |
Certifier mshr_certifier String |
Read/write Optional |
The personnel number of the worker who certified this skill. |
Certifier ID Value _mshr_fk_certifier_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmworkerentityid of mshr_hcmworkerentity |
System-generated unique identifier of the worker record for the worker who certified the skill. |
Skill ID mshr_skillid String |
Read/write Required |
The identifier of the skill defined in Human Resources. |
Skill ID Value _mshr_fk_skill_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_hcmskillentityid of mshr_hcmskillentity |
The system-generated identifier of the selected skill. |
Years of Experience mshr_yearsofexperience Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The years of experience the candidate has in this skill. |
Rating ID mshr_ratingid String |
Read/write Required |
The rating scale type. For this entity, the value is Skills. |
Level Type mshr_leveltype mshr_hrmskillleveltype option set |
Read/write Required |
A type categorization for the level assigned to the skill. |
Level ID mshr_levelid String |
Read/write Required |
The ID of the Rating Level the candidate has for this skill. |
Rating Level ID Value _mshr_fk_ratinglevel_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_hcmratinglevelentityid of mshr_hcmratinglevelentity |
The system-generated identifier of the rating level. |
Level Date mshr_leveldate Datetime |
Read/write Required |
The date at which the candidate was rated in the skill. |
Rating Level Examiner mshr_ratinglevelexaminer String |
Read/write Optional |
The personnel number of the worker who rated the candidate. |
Rating Level Examiner ID Value _mshr_fk_ratinglevelexaminer_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmworkerentityid of mshr_hcmworkerentity |
The system-generated identifier of the worker who examined the candidate’s skill level. |
Verified mshr_verified mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Required |
Indicates whether the assessed skill level has been verified. |
Primary Field mshr_primaryfield String |
Read-only Required |
Field to be used as an identifier of the entity record. Combination of party number, level type, skill ID, and level date. |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire